My Daddy's father and mother lived close to the Mount Dora cemetary, and often times,when I would spend the night with them,Grandaddy and I would walk through the cemetary at dusk. He would tell me about all the folks who were buried there, because he knew most of them.There was one section of folks who were buried on the outside of the fence though, because they didn't meet the requirements for being buried inside the cemetary. I'd say there were about 8-10 graves that were buried outside there!
At 7 years of age,I didn't know what those requirements were, but I surely knew that I wanted to be on the inside of that cemetary!
Jesus tells us the same thing,in His word. There will be many who come, but few who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I enter into Heaven,I'm going full steam ahead, and you better believe I will be on the right side of that gate!
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