Many folks ask me how I can be so content, with all that's going on around me, and continue to have such a strong faith. I simply tell themn this....
When you've given back to God,the most precious gift,you have ever had...a child, you have pretty much come to understand that our God is a Sovereign God and can do as He pleases.He knew of these events before the foundation of the world, and if I am okay with that principle,then I can truly rest in Him to make my faith secure!
When you have parents who get divorced after 40 years of marriage and God sees you through it,you learn to trust Him. When an older sister dies and He gives you the chance to speak to her about her Salvation, You trust His timing. When your 16 year old son is taken from the home for a period of two years, and you feel like it is the end of the world,you realize that God gave you that time frame to allow you to see what it would be like when your other son is taken Home to Heaven for Eternity.This is when you learn to completely abandon yourself to God in trust, because,"YES"....He does know best!
When you have a brain hemorrage and are in a coma for 2 months, and by all rights,should have died, but didn't,you learn to realize that God has a plan for your life,that you didn't expect.
This God, that I don't always understand is my Rock and my Redeemer. He is always my Strength, but He is also my Balm of Gillead, when He calms me down, and gives me His sense of peace.
He was my Great Physician and is still my Portion.I truly don't need anything else.
I know this sounds trite, but even with all that God has blessed me with, He is all I need. I have faith in everything He brings me.Do I understand it all? Nope! That doesn't stop me from doing what He wants though. He says it! I better do it!
So, yes, I say come to that point in your life where God is First, and stay close to Him......Forever!
Then anything that happens will be alright and okay with you, because God is still in control of you and where you are going.
I am so content with my life and who I am, but don't ask me where I parked my car!