Thursday, October 25, 2007


How many times have we seen those air purifier ads on TV, telling us to use their product, for cleaner air? They assure us it will get rid of foul odors and yucky pollutants. To me, it seems like I'm hearing it all the time,so by now,I should be walking around in total smog!
In reality, one of the worst pollutants can be the very words we use. If we will spend our time in God's word, and "renew a right sprit from within", we would be able to think on the things that are pure and honest, and of good report. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he", and when he thinks on these things,he usually speaks in like manner!


If I had to use my 6o years of wisdom, or whatever you want to call it, and leave some special nugget to those I love,it would be the following:(It's usually pretty hard for some people too!)
It would be to simply trust God!......implicitly,in everything!
Especially, when absolutely nothing makes sense!
That's when you need to trust him the most!
Ask a mother who has lost a that doesn't make sense, does it? We are suppose to go before our children.So what do you do? You trust in the one who does know!You trust in our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ, because He is the answer!
This Mom would have lost it completely had she not had Him when she lost her son......
Anyhoo, back to the trust......
I began this as a child, and it is almost second nature to menow. Jesus and God are as close to me as my next breath, and I just trust Him to do what He thinks is best for my life!
I may not like it at the time, but it will be best for me....
He's that kinda God.
See how simple that is?........and we make it so complicated!
Well, that's my wise counsel for the day. Seems to me,I learned that from a certain grandmother, a long time ago, and I've never been sorry!


O dear Lord,allow me to be a vessel that will refresh others as You see the need arise. Fashion my heart, in its love for You, with compassion, and tenderness for others.In this way, sweet Lord, may I be a continual blessing to others, and a reminder of the refreshing beauty of Your kindness and love on our life's journey.


My account in Heaven, was stored up in a special place, at the age of about 5, when my Grandmother Bouterse told me about Jesus.
Over my growing up years,I often referred to the interest of that account,but never used up the principle!
When I moved to Aiken, I understood from my church there,(New Covenant PCA) the terminology of what my account was all about. I had been given "the word" from "the book", so that I could now understand what my account was all about, and just what it had cost to set my account up.
When I moved to Beaufort,I have been able to collect on the principle, and am using all that He has given me from that account for His Glory!
My monthly statements look kinda wild, that's for sure, but you should see the dividends He gives me!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Forty five years ago, almost to the day, my dear Grandmother Bouterse went home to be with her Lord, whom she so adored! How excited she must be in Heaven, with her mother and her children, worshipping her Savior.....
The day before she died, my Mother had me come into the room where she was sleeping at our house.She hadn't moved her facial muscles in several days and most everyone felt as if she wouldn't last through the night. I went in to her, and took hold of her hand and said:"I'm here Grandmama, and I just want to tell you goodbye, and that I will see you again." I think she was waiting for me to come say goodbye, because her whole face just lit up into the biggest smile, and she squeezed my hand.That was the last time I saw Grandmother Bouterse, but just like Jesus grieved over the death of Lazarus, He could also rejoice in knowing that He would see him again in Heaven....
I can rejoice in that fact too! Grandmother knew who I was alright, and the gift she gave me,growing up, far outways anything I have ever gotten!

Her gift of telling me about a Savior who died upon a cross, so that I could be right with God, and spend an Eternity with Him.....(and her!)
Now ask yourself,was it worth it?


Grandmother Bouterse loved to sew, and could most always be found with needles, pins, and threads pinned somewhere on her blouse, because she was always picking them up off the floor, along with scraps of extra material.....
She would often use the scraps from my dresses to make quilts, and one of my very favorite one's, was a Sunbonnet Quilt that she made, using the pieces from several of my dresses.
The only thing is, ..... the back was made from a pink sheet, and it was rotting.....
What a shame to lose such precious sun bonnet girls, because of a rotted backing.
It's a shame too, when our own personal testimonies appear to be beautiful on the outside, but because of a weak background in the word, we will crumble when the trials come about!


The first time I ever got contact lenses, was in the 9th grade, and I went to Dr. Sloan in Leesburg,Florida. Everytime I saw him,he would open our time together with a prayer!......Wow!
The very first thing he had me do, to get use to wearing contacts, was to take the safe end of a ball point pen, and touch my Cornea with it.I was to say:"See this does not hurt; this is how my contact lens will feel"! (I still have the piece of paper,that was written on too!)I said this over and over and was able to put my contacts in with no effort, and wear them effortlessly for the next 30 years!(The same pair too,folks!)
Dr. Sloan,(who is now at home with His Lord that he so loved.) use to ask me when examining my eyes,"is this better,or is this mo better?"
Well, I often think about that phrase when I am thinking about our walk to the Lord. If we will allow Him to touch our lives, in such a way, that we will see too, that it doesn't hurt at all......
It will feel so good that we will want to take Him along with us,in such a way, that we too, can say, that this is "mo better"!!!


When I was a young girl,my sister Betty Ann, gave me her Brownie Camera. It was one of those old fashioned, box type, camera's, and had a huge silver flash attachment connected to it. I still have that camera, but don't suppose it even takes the black and white photograph's anymore!
That camera is very dear to me, because it houses treasures of memories.......
Our entire lives are like that camera, if you think about it.
God has given each of us His word, to put inside us, as the film. We can capture the most beautiful images, if we live out these daily pictures.
They are indeed treasured memories for others to share, and enjoy!
I don't know about you, but atleast in our lives, we get to use color film that we never have to change!
Woo Hoo!

Monday, October 15, 2007

THE 50'S & 60'S

Two of my very favorite songs way back in the 50's and 60's, were "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", by the Platters, and "I Only Have Eyes For You", by The Flamingoes.
I always thought they depicted such a beautiful vision.
When I think of the disciple Peter, and his love for our Lord,I am reminded that when he saw Jesus on the shore he must have only had eyes for Christ, to have walked on water to Him. It was only when the smoke got in his eyes.....the smoke of "self awareness", got in his vision, that he stumbled, and began to sink.......
I'd say,if we want to stay above water, we need to keep our eyes on the one who counts.....all the time!
Keep the Smoke getting in your eyes on the record label!


I have a surprise on my deck right now, and boy howdy, do I love it! David surprised me with a hot tub, (for 4) and oh, is it nice.....
I love sitting infront of the four different locations and just feeling the jet streams of bubbles pulsating against my back, and neck......... Oh, does this ever feel good!
As I sit there,in the early evening,I am reminded of Psalm 19. I like to think that these pulsating bubbles are also pictures of God's laws; precepts; testimonies; commandments; fears, and judgements, just rushing out and over me. They are covering and comforting me, like nothing else can do.
They are pure;clean; true;enduring forever;(atleast it seems that way to me)
I'm not sure about what all it does for enlightening the eyes, but it surely does feel good all over, and so do God's laws, when we immerse ourselvelves in them!
They're probably alot cheaper than a hot tub too!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I love to read! Most of the time though,if I don't know the author,I will check out the cover real good.
If you don't know anything about the book, you need to open the pages and read the inside to understand it.
In the same way,folks, when we meet someone and we aren't sure about who they are, or what they believe, we need to take the time to "read their book" and find out about their character.
What is on the inside is gonna show up on the cover.
We may not be a best seller on the cover, but if we are grounded in God's word, we will definitely be good reading!


I hope these thoughts will help you,once again, as they came from my weekend from my Moms Who Lost Children, a few weeks back......

"I'm grieving,thank you!"These are the words you can say when asked how you are doing,Mom's!
Our boys would not come back to us after being at the feet of Jesus(and that's hard for a Mom to take folks!)
Just like Jesus would not choose to come back here with us after being in Heaven, as fully God, and fully man. Only when He returns to bring us back with Him..... Woo Hoo!
What wonderful words of cherished wisdom from these Mom's. Listening to these ladies today, was like listening to my Lord speak through the hearts of the brokenhearted......only filled with wisdom!
Some beautiful tidbits given to the average person.
It's not something we "get over".......It's something we go through, and it may take us a little longer than what you might think it should.
That's okay,folks!
God made us that way, and we will heal, when He is ready for us too!


One of my "Mom's" mentioned that her son,as a little boy, once told her that he wanted to marry someone who would come to the porch when he came home from work, in his pick up truck, and welcome him home!
Isn't this how we should do, for our Heavenly Father?
When He comes into our hearts and homes, we should go to the door and welcome Him home...... with open arms, and a happy smile!


When I'm over at Edisto,and can look out at the ocean,it just seems like it goes on and on.....
Almost as if it is endless, and that is almost beyond my comprehension.
God's love is this same way. It just seems to go on and on.
Someday,in the truest sense of the word, it will, because "endless" is all the time we'll have for our lives with God!


The body of Christ reminds me of a patchwork quilt.
When I step back, and look at it, all the colors are so unique, and seem to blend right in together, but if I come in for a closer inspection,I can see where there are some glorious colors next to some very plain ones, that just don't seem to go together.
There is one consistant and binding thread, though, that seems to be the stitching that holds the colors together.........It is this perfect,intrinsic stitching that keeps them bound, one to another......
Christ has also done this for His church body too.
As individuals, we are like those patchwork squares....all different colors;shapes, and values, but Christ has seen the overall "Big" picture of our "life's" quilt as His church, and has stitched us together so lovingly with His sacrifice, and His word, that we couldn't come apart, if we wanted to......(which we don't)
This is one quilt that needs to go on display, folks!


O Father,Your law is perfect, and my soul is daily being restored!
One day, it shall be complete.
Father,Your testimony is truly sure, and continually making the wise simple!
(if only they would look)
One day, it too shall be understood.
Your precepts are continually right,Lord, and if I abide in them,then I will be rejoicing in my heart!
One day, there will be no end to rejoicing.
The Lord's commandment's can only be pure, because He is pure!
Even in following these commandments,I fall so short.
That's why the cross!
One day,I will be pure too.
The fear of the Lord is a clean fear, and it truly does endure forever!
This isn't a dirty,or ugly fear......
This is a reverant or awesome fear for a very Holy God.
One day I will be in the presence of this God.......Someday, but not now.
His judgements are true that they are righteous altogether!
Thus making them sweeter than the honey on the honeycomb.
These are all sweet drippings from the Psalms to You O Lord


From the rising of the sun, to the setting of its rays....
I praise Your name,my Lord......
Surround my countenance with the words of Your mouth and the meditations of Your heart, so that my ways will be pleasing in Your sight,O God.
Your law has restored my soul,sweet Lord, and Your precepts have brought forth this rejoicing from within my heart.
I may not always understand Your ways,my Lord,but for me, one moment in Your presence, is also as desirable as the honeycomb......
As the rays of the setting sun go down,
my praise for You only goes higher and higher......

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Here we are, driving up to Ridge Haven, in the Pisgah National Forest,with Paige driving Edie's van....... OkSun is in the front, with Edie,Lu,Beth, and I in the back. We've all commmented on the fall colors and how it looks as if God has dropped a bucket of paint on the trees!
The closer we get to the top of the mountain, the brighter those colors become too!Each one of those leaves starts out pale, and slowly becomes brighter in color.As it touches the other leaves, it begins to infuse color on all the leaves around it! This seems to set off a forest of blazing trees, alive with brilliant color, every fall.
We are the same way,on our christian walk.....
God touches us with His Grace, and when we become one of His colors, we automatically touch others with His love, setting off a blaze of God's colorful blessings, and abounding mercies! This glorious love for Christ can start a forest of humanity, burning with the love for our Lord,that can touch every life around, if we will strike it!
The closer we looked to the top of this physical mountain,the brighter the leaves got.......
The closer we look to the top of our Spiritual mountain....Jesus Christ....the brighter our lives will be!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


O be exhalted my resplendant God, as You reign in the Heavens above......
May Your majesty shine in the hearts of all Your children, so that they might touch those who have not seen Your light.
Oh, the passion that is in my heart for You,sweet Lord!
You have placed within my heart a longing for You and my eternal home......
Continue,Father, allowing me to be content in whatever circumstances, that I find myself in this day, while my time remains upon Your beautiful earth.....
You know how my heart longs for You, and how I desire to sit at Your feet, but until that day, may my praise and adoration for You, be as a fragrant aroma, drifting up to Your heart, sweet and loving Father......


People are always asking me, why I get dressed up in the morning,like I'm going somewhere special. This sorta came to me this morning as a good explanation.....
If I am to reflect the body ,or the image of Christ, then I will get dressed up, or prepared, in the best way I can, early in the morning.......
and then just let Christ fill me out during the day!
Now, how 'bout them apples?


I had a dream early this morning, and it was so real!
There was a little boy running up and down the aisle in church, and he was carrying a paper airplane. I could see him on the monitor screen, and as he ran, the airplane became bigger and bigger, until it reached from one expanse of the aisle to the other side!
The thing that really bothered me though, was that no-one bothered to call out to this child and stop him, or hold him in check, for his actions, so he kept right on running!
The last thing I remembered before I woke up, were the words of the pastor, as he reprimanded the parents,telling them to reprove their child!
This little dream, (and I am surely no Joseph, when it comes to dreams) reminded me of how sin creeps in and will seem like fun at first to some people.We often take hold of sin and run with it, and allow it to grow, and go unchecked, in our own lives.
Sin grows out of proportion and touches everyone's lives, even when we don't think so, and we need to hold it in check, at the very beginning! In my dream, when the pastor spoke, I felt as if our Lord was reminding us, that sin can do alot of harm, wherever its starts, and whomever it touches!


Remember, how as children, we use to place all those reflector's on our bikes, just so everybody would see us, and take notice of how special we were?
Well, in the very same way, we are to be a reflection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Let our reflection to the outside world, be a special one!

Monday, October 01, 2007


I am writing this with tongue in cheek,folks.....I know this path is not pretty for many who have to go through it.I have to laugh to make things bearable in my cicumstances.....Bec

This was just too good today,folks.....
and so funny when you think about it!
I stopped by Nellah's house after I dropped my book off at the printer's , and she mentioned something to me about forgetting so much lately, to which I agreed, that I was too. We both just laughed.
Now get this scenario......(and try to laugh!)
Won't it be fun for all of us, as we get older, and we can't remember where we are; who we said what to; where we've been,or where we're going; We won't remember which outfit we've worn, or if we've caught a fish,or using it for bait; we won't remember if we've already told somebody something,or if it's their turn to tell us the same thing! The phrase:" have I told you this?" won't need to be said, because none of us will remember anyway! Oh, for the day, when all of my friends will have that blank expression on their faces like I have now, so much of the time.Ha!Ha!Ha!
Won't it be fun,for all of us to be together someday, laughing over what we can't remember......just because!
Someday, though, we can be together laughing.....
Right now,I will tell people that they can tell me their deepest, darkest secret, and it's safe with me, because I will forget it....and that's the truth!
Truth be told,I don't see how I could ever forget my Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ!