...........FILLING UP
With gas prices being as crazy as they have been,
Remember to keep this as your goal.........
Fill up with God's goodness,
When you fill up today!
It cost us nothing!
It cost our Lord His life!
This is my journey, through life, on my way to Christ, where I will dwell, for eternity.Come along with me, and enjoy the journey,perhaps finding your own path to Christ! (It has really been neat!)
With gas prices being as crazy as they have been,
Remember to keep this as your goal.........
Fill up with God's goodness,
When you fill up today!
It cost us nothing!
It cost our Lord His life!
One thing I never received as a wedding gift, was a Crock Pot.....
I've had more people expound the benefits of one, but I've just never gotten around to getting one. I don't know what it is, but,they just seem to be more tender, that's for sure, and they just seem to taste better too!
When food simmers longer, the full flavor just seems to be appreciated that much more.
It's the same way, when you are developing a relationship. You certainly do appreciate it more,when you have spent time cultivating it, over a period of time. I call it my "crock pot relationship"......
When a relationship simmers, for a long time, and if it has God as its main ingredient, it will finally emit the aroma of our Savior's Mercy,Grace and Love, that's worth the wait!
What a blessing I received today,by way of Fed Ex!
I was at my computer, when the Fed Ex truck, rambled into the driveway! I wasn't expecting anything, least of all, a package from Dayspring, so I was even more surprised, when I opened it up, and out tumbled 6 of my delightful Christmas "Sheepies"!
I had emailed Dayspring several weeks ago, telling them how very much,I appreciated their cards, and especially their "sheepies".
They had taken the time to send me these little sheep as a "thank you" for my note of encouragement to them......
What a Dayspring of Blessings they were to me!
Talk about practicing what you preach.I'd say they certainly do a "sheepful" of beautiful blessings!
Remember the childhood story about the little boy who was suppose to call "Wolf! Wolf" when he saw the wolf, and how the people came running to help him, and how he would just laugh and say he was only kidding! He did this so many times, that when the wolf really did come, and he called out "Wolf! Wolf!"......Nobody came, because they knew he was playing games again!
Well, this story got me to thinking, only in a round about way.....
We keep calling out to God, over and over, to help us, and to deliver us from different situations, but when He answers us, we don't do anything about fixing the situation! We keep doing the same things over and over again! Then, we call out to Him again, and He answers, and we repeat the whole process over and over again!(Sorta like the stiff necked people!)
I'm wonderin' what it's gonna be like, one of these days, when we call out to Him, and He doesn't answer us?
PS***I don't think I want to be here....how about you?
"O Lord My God, When I In Awesome Wonder,Consider All, The Worlds,Thy Hands Have Made".......
My,oh,my, do I love to hear those words, and as I sit here today,Lord,please draw me nearer to You, in everyway......
Take every part of me and turn me towards You, until I am seeking Your face. I want to be more like You, Jesus. To have my blood drawn, and found it to be filled with the holiness of You, my Lord, would be more wonderful than I could ever describe!
For now, I can only stumble through everyday, making mistakes, sinning,blundering, and yet, having You still forgive me, (and even still love me), just the same!
Is that not something?
When someone you love, is hurting, one of the best things you can do for them,is
to lift them up before the throne of Grace......
Best for them.....
Best for you.......
Can you imagine, loving your Father, so very much, that you would be willing to do anything for him........even die a horrible death, just because He asked you to?
Jesus did!
Kay always brings me a "Thank You" gift, when she comes to my beach house, at Edisto. She doesn't have to, but she "wants" to......
This is a gift, and I accept it graciously, even though she doesn't have to give me a thing! This past time, it was a delightful pair of sparkly shoes, which I love!
In the same way,Christ has given us a gift too......
All because He wanted too!
The gift of Salvation, and Eternal life, which is much nicer than shoes, anyway, and will last much longer!
All we have to do, is accept the gift...... It's that simple!
Christ didn't have to give us this gift either, but believe you, me,I'll be thanking Him, for the rest of my life!
I can enjoy the chocolate and shoes, that Kay brings me, right now, but..... for "future" reference,I'll take the Gift of Life!
As David,Kelly and I fly out to Nevada to be with George, this Thanksgiving, let me take just a minute to prune some of my thoughts, and to share with you, God's bountiful blessings for this year! I hope to stir up a table full of memories,folks!
I'm thankful for the wind chimes on my porch; the sea shells on the beach; the leaves that turn their underside "up", when it's going to rain; fresh coconut cake; watching a sunset at Edisto; Bill Ashton's,coming through his chemo okay; May's cinnamon rolls; remembering my Grandmother Bouterse;my church; childhood friends; all my friends; my parents; cornbread and 'maters; a good football game,(SEC);orange peel; Mama's fried baby liver; Morrison's egg custard; the old Sears & Roebuck catalog at Christmas time; "Christmas Gift";my Cookie Swap; Mama singing "O Holy Night"; Tara's,tuna sandwhiches and chocolate chip cookies; my sister; my brothers;my children; a good nights sleep; my sweet hubby;a clean, soft, pillow; America......
Most of all, I am thankful for a Savior, who died for you and me. What a Thanksgiving to Him, for us to give thanks.....
My thanks to each of you, dear ones......
Happy Thanksgiving!
Allen and Theresa have a little Norfolk Terrior puppy, that came along with them, on the trip to Cherokee. As we sat by the fire the other night, I was flicking my fingernails, and was evidently making a sound with them, that only Max's ears could hear.
He jumped in Allen's lap, when he heard it, and started growling. He looked straight at my fingers, and began a course of non-stop barking......
We couldn't figure out "why" at first, but when I stopped flicking my fingernails, he would stop! He was so sensitive to that noise......
In the same manner, we as Christians, need to be sensitive when God speaks to us. When He calls us with those gentle nudgings, that others might miss, we need to "growl" at anybody who tries to keep us away from the word of God when He speaks to our heart!
Here's the scene:
I'm reading a magazine, looking at a picture of two people, who seem to be waiting their turn to go into the doctor's office.
One person looks disgusted!
One person looks bored!
Across the room, is a woman who is playing with her new "Nintendo Game Boy".
The caption on the magazine read:
"The average wait in a doctor's office is 23.4 minutes. Do something with your nothing....."
Now, think about it?
We complain, because we never have enough time to read our Bibles, or learn scripture, but we don't even take them with us "for such a time as this".
Doesn't make sense, does it?
We've missed a golden opportunity to spend some time visiting with someone "special", haven't we?
Growing up, I just loved to watch Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers, as a dance couple!
Oh, I thought they were wonderful together......
They seemed to know the next step, that each one would take, and could compliment one another! They had to work at it, I'm sure, in order to make it look effortless. I know it wasn't easy, but with lots of practice,it looked as if it was something they had just "stepped into ".
Our marriages are kinda like a dance couple, ya know. We're working together as a team, moving forward as we compliment one another.
We have to really work at it each day, to make it ino something special, because it isn't easy.
If we allow God to be the one that joins our hands together when we dance through life, then the dance that we do, will never end, and we won't even be tired!
My ladies Bible study, in Lobeco, got together,today, and we watched the DVD of :"The End Of The Spear". It was hard for me to watch the 5 missionaries during the 1950's, as they were slain, while they they tried to reach out to the Wanabi Indian tribe.
What touched me the most,though, was how glad I was, that this was not the end of the story.......
To think that the widows of Nate Saint, Jim Elliott and the others, returned to minister to these very same people who took the lives of their husbands! ........Wow! Now, that's letting Christ speak through you in a mighty big way!
.......Reminds me of another event at Calvary, where a man,
a long, long, time ago was trying to reach the world, with God's word, when those same people nailed Him to a cross.
Only, after He died, and rose from this death, and into His Father's Kingdom, did His disciples realize just whom they had in their midst.
Today, we have His word, and the Holy Spirit to convict us. I surely hope it doesn't take us that long to come to our senses!
Aren't we glad He desires us to accept Him, as Lord and Savior?
"The End Of The Spear" was their "Point Of Grace"........
"The Man On The Cross", is our "Doorway To Grace"......
This is exciting ya'll.......
I love the scripture where we're told, to "delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart".
One of those desires was when I was able to give my testimony......
For years, and years,I wanted to give my testimony, and I finally got to give it this past January. Oh, how exciting to be used too!( I'm still waiting on a few desires to be fulfilled, but only in His timing) Today I had a grin on my face, as I began to pen my journey, as He has given me this very desire, and I didn't even realize it! The writings and illustrations are something I've always loved to do, and my love and "delight" in the Lord grows with every day. I do believe that He has handed me this desire that I am having a ball doing too!
He furnishes the material.....
I furnish the pen......
He furnishes the desire.....
And I'll delight myself in Him all day long!
When someone you love is hurting,
One of the best things, you can do,
Is to lift them up before the Throne of Grace.....
Best for them!
Best for you!
After these past elections, I was reminded of a time in our past history, where the people of God, kept complaining about wanting a judge over them, like all the other "peoples".....
So, God gave them their desires, and the rule of the judges, or rulers began.....and so it began for us as a nation too!
You would think, after all these years, that we would finally get it! I'm not surprised by any election results,though, because, just as the Israelites turned their backs on God, I'm afraid, that we, as a people have done the same thing........ We don't seem to "seek" after Him anymore, and I wouldn't blame Him one whit for turning us over to those "other rulers and judges", so to speak!
May He have mercy on us, when He does turn us over......
When we wait on the Lord for our answers, it is so much easier on us, in the long run......(the short run too!)
I can imagine what our world "could" be like if we just sought after Him, first........
"Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,
consider all, the worlds Thy hands have made."......
My,oh my, do I love to hear the words to that song. As I sit hear today,Lord,please draw me nearer to You, in every way.
Take every part of me, and turn me towards You, until I am seeking Your face. I want to be more like You,Jesus.
To have my blood drawn, and found it,to be filled with the holiness of You, my Lord, would be so wonderful. For now, though, I can only stumble through my everyday existance, making mistakes, sinning, blundering, and still my God forgives me and loves me just the same......
Now, why wouldn't I want to be more like Jesus , if He did this for me?
Sometimes, at night, I will turn on my "sound machine", to muffle out the sound of snoring from a certain person, that I know and love!
This way, I can hear the ocean's waves as they roll into the shore.This is one of many options.(If he really gets to snoring,I turn on the train, and he stops fast, 'cause he doesn't want to get run over!):p)
It really does help, folks! It beats grumbling at him... I do have to say,though, that I am most thankful, that my Heavenly Father, doesn't turn on a sound machime, when I send all my loud grumblings and complainings up to Him!....Ouch!
Several years ago, I lost Lois, one of my dearest and oldest friends, and I have grieved over her leaving me, so very much!
We had been on the "real good friends" list for a good 50 years,atleast, so this has been hard for me.......
This morning, though, while listening to "The Light", one of the speakers said something that really hit home to my heart, and I think that maybe my grieving heart may finally be healing!
Just as Jesus grieved over the death of His dear friend,Lazarus,
He could also rejoice!
This He could do, because He would see him again.
He knew the promise that weeping only lasts for a moment, but "joy cometh in the morning".....We just have to wait!
Our Lord is also concerned about us, when we grieve. Just as Jesus thought about Lazarus, and knew He would see him again, He has also given us this same outlook, in His promise of Hope!
I think this is the process He wants us to go through to become more like Him too!
No, sometimes it's not fun.....
No, sometimes it's not easy either.....
Yes, it's becoming more like Christ, so go ahead and grieve, if you've lost someone.
He'll be right there for you.....
Oh, I liked this quote!
"We can be so Heavenly minded,
That we are no earthly good!"
Likewise,we can be so earthly minded,
That we can be no Heavenly good, and since being good doesn't have anything to do with getting into Heaven,I'd pretty much say, that being earthly minded, doesn't get you anywhere!
Carl's sermon really hit home today. I won't remember all the names, but don't miss the point!
The importance of going ahead and doing something with what God has given you, is very important.His example was of a young man many years ago, who met Edward Kembels(forgive me,if these names are incorrect spelling), and how he studied until he could go off to school at Moody Bible College. Now, with a few other interesting stops along the way, this same man, met and studied under an unknown, by the name of Billie Sunday. After becoming so well known, himself, and after many, many years later, he began to slow down. On one of his trips, as he was looking for a possible replacement, he met a young unknown man whom he thought would possibly be a fine evangelist oneday.......This man, we now know as Rev. Billy Graham.!
See how the hand of God works, when He wants His work accomplished? If we'll keep our ears clean, and listen for His nudging's...... and our eyes open looking for His direction, then we'll see how exciting it is to accomplish His Eternal Purposes!
One of the TV shows, I can still recall, that made such an impression on me, as I was growing up, was Jack Webb, in his role, as Sgt. Joe Friday,on "Dragnet". He would always tell the person he was interogating(in that stone face of his),"just the facts,mam"!
He didn't need all the extras.....just the facts!
Sometimes, on our daily walk, we get so caught up in all that we're doing, that we simply forget to state the most important fact, .....of all facts!
That we have someone, who loved us so much......
Enough that He was even willing to be a replacement for us, in death. In other words, instead of us, dying with our sins plastered all over us, this man picked up everyone of our sins,placed them on Himself, and then allowed Himself to be crucified on a cross,....... just so we could be proven holy to a Righteous God. Wow! He made it possible for us to have a second life in an even better place!
It will be like going to sleep in one bed and in one household, and waking up in another even better one......All because of the love of Jesus Christ! My,my,my......
Just the facts!.....and still some people don't believe!
Tonight, I'm by myself. Mary, and Kay have gone back to Aiken, and I'm here at Edisto, awaiting my "Mom's Who Lost Children. They will all arrive tomorrow, and it will be a special time for us, albeit a hard time.
It doesn't matter how we lost our child(or in some cases,more than one), or how long ago it was. It doesn't matter if we have never met one another.....
None of that matters now......
We share a mutual bond......
We love each other instantly.
I think that knowing the Lord, must have something to do with this ease too, though........... I really do! He tends to substitute our anger over this loss, with compassion, and a small degree of understanding, and it just draws us together.
We can laugh and cry, and it's okay.....even for me, and it's been almost 12 years past,now. I've been blessed to use this house to have these ladies come together, and share memories.
I even found five of my little "sheepies", from Dayspring, to give them, as a reminder of our weekend together.....
What a blessing this weekend has been for all of us!
You know,if our forefathers got it, concerning the importance of believing and trusting in God.....
Then,it seems like we could too!
What a blessing I received today, by way of Fed Ex! I was at my computer, when the Fed Ex truck rambled into the yard. Well, I wasn't expecting anything, least of all, a box from Dayspring, so you can imagine how surprised I was when I opened it up, and out tumbled 6 of my delightful little Christmas "sheepies". "Faith" is holding a Bible;"Joy" is holding a Christmas tree, and "Hope" is holding onto a stack of packages.......How delightful,but I was still puzzled!
I had emailed Dayspring several weeks ago, telling them how much I loved their cards, but especially their precious little "sheepies". Their market manager had taken the time to send me a box of sheep,as a "Thank You" note to me, from the Dayspring Company, and let me share them with my friends.
As it turns out, this week, I am having a very special luncheon, for some very special ladies, and some very special "sheepies", will be their little "Take home" gift!
What a Dayspring of Blessings" they were to me!
Talk about practicing what you preach! Dayspring certainly does that!... I'd say that they certainly do a beautiful job of it.....
Or rather, a beautiful "sheepful" of it!
When Mike Kellogg, signs off in the wee hours of the morning,he does so, by saying:
"Thanks for keeping me company"
When he does this, I'm reminded of how our Heavenly Father must feel when we keep Him company with our prayers and thoughts!
I wonder how many of us, had door mats at our front doors, when we were growing up?
"Don't forget to wipe your feet", my Father would always say, "or you'll track in the dirt". Oh, that always drove me crazy....
You better believe, though, that it was one of the very first things that I bought, when I had my very own home, some 33 years ago! I didn't want the dirt inside.......
God doesn't want......or can't have,
the dirt inside His home either!
He has to have an absolutely spotless house, so He purchased a way for us to wipe away our dirt, and it is so simple on our part!
It's just like stepping on that door mat, and wiping off all our dirt , by believing that the mat of Jesus Christ will wipe away, all our sinful dirt ......... clean away! Forever!..............Simple, huh?
You simply step into the area of your heart, where Jesus abides, and believe that He is your Savior, and will do what He says He will do. and that's to clean you up!
Believing is the easy part
The moving forward, is hard for some people. He can't have the dirt on the inside, and neither should we, so keep your feet on God's door mat, and we'll have a Spring cleaning for the Lord's House!
As we once again gather to cast our ballots, this next week, let us remind ourselves to seek our God of Holiness, in all the choices that we must make. If we first ask for wisdom, and His Godly counsel, and then "listen" to His still small voice, He will direct our conscience to vote as we should......
Our nation is a mighty nation, but only because He has made it so......I remember the phrase....."Times, they are a-changin", and they surely are! Gone are the days when just anyone could pick your children up from school,or when you didn't have to lock your doors! Or how about your children, when they could safely play in their front yards, and goodness knows you certainly didn't get murdered for saying the wrong thing back then!
Scripture even foretells of all these happenings: earthquakes,famines fires;neighbor going against neighbor....scarey huh?
Isn't it wonderful, to have the God we do, to believe in?
And hasn't it been refreshing to know we have a President who seeks His face daily?
Whether he is right,or wrong, he seeks our Lord's wisdom daily!.....So comforting.......
Let's honor God, by asking Him to elect us another godly man in the White House this next term. Will you join me in that prayer?
Thank you my brothers and sisters in the Lord.......