Thursday, November 30, 2006


Remember the childhood story about the little boy who was suppose to call "Wolf! Wolf" when he saw the wolf, and how the people came running to help him, and how he would just laugh and say he was only kidding! He did this so many times, that when the wolf really did come, and he called out "Wolf! Wolf!"......Nobody came, because they knew he was playing games again!
Well, this story got me to thinking, only in a round about way.....
We keep calling out to God, over and over, to help us, and to deliver us from different situations, but when He answers us, we don't do anything about fixing the situation! We keep doing the same things over and over again! Then, we call out to Him again, and He answers, and we repeat the whole process over and over again!(Sorta like the stiff necked people!)
I'm wonderin' what it's gonna be like, one of these days, when we call out to Him, and He doesn't answer us?
PS***I don't think I want to be about you?


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