Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My Daddy spent his wartime years in Minnesota, so naturally, as a little girl,I thought the war was in Minnesota! Before I was born,he would send letters to my older brothers and my sister, by drawing charicatures on the envelope and addressing the leetters to:"Those Ray Kids:Mount Dora,Florida" The envelopes portrayed pictures of Superman;The Katzenjammer Kids;Gasoline Alley;Snow White;Popeye, and many others. He was an architect by trade, but a proficient artist all around..... All the letters had drawings but no address, and yet, somehow,the postmen always knew where to deliver the letters.They always found their way to my family.
Sadly,today it's a different story.We would have a rough time, without the zip code, because all those letters would be returned!
Atleast we can be assured that our Heavenly Father knows where we are at all times!
He needs no address, or zip to find us, because "He knows the plans He has made for us".......from the beginning of time, and they are definitely plans to prosper!


One of the games my brother Chris and I use to play, was "Blind Man's Bluff." Being blindfolded made it difficult for us to know what was ahead you, and you could come across alot of unexpected things.
When God told the Israelites to go the River Jordan and cross it, into Canaan,they reacted as if they had blindfolds on their eyes. God told them to cross during Harvest Time,but during Harvest time,the waters of the Jordan were swollen to its highest level, and nearly impossible to cross.They didn't see how they could possibly do it. Even after spending 40 years in the desert, and they still aren't sure if they could trust Him......What should they do?Sink? Or trust God and swim?
Yes, it seemed impossible to them, but nothing is impossible to God!.....NOTHING!
Doesn't God just love to put something HUGE infront of us, to see what we will do?
Do we whine and fuss, and wander in our own desert for 40 years of spiritual emptiness, because our GIANTS are too big for us? Or,do we march on,knowing that God will pave the way.....somehow.....and occupy what He has prepared for us!
And that's no bluff!

Monday, December 29, 2008


In order for me to spot my luggage much easier, when I claim it up at the airport baggage area,I painted a large South Carolina Palmetto Tree, with the crescent moon beside it, on the back side,and a smaller one on the front. The white paint on the black suitcase stood out so well,that I could even spot my suitcase from inside the plane,as they were loading it onto the plane!There was one drawback, though, and it was kind of uncomfortable,at time.....
When I had to walk through the security gate carying my suitcase, they always stopped and searched me.....Why? Because to them, my suitcase looked too much like a Muslim crescent moon insignia! (No kidding folks!)They hadn't a clue what the SC emblem was, and truth be told, didn't really care when I tried to explain it.
Which leads me to say,that we must make sure that you know in what you believe.
"Study to show yourself approved;rightly dividing the word of God.".....In this way,know what you believe,so that you too, can rightly divide the right word of God, from that which is incorrect, and so that you can give an account of what you believe and why.
Those folks didn't have a clue what was on my luggage, because they hadn't studied it and weren't familiar with it.....
God has given us enough signs,in His word, so that we can become familiar with it, and know, without a doubt what we believe.
I surely hope those security guards know the signs for Christ's return, alot better than they do for a Muslim crescent moon, or they're in a bunch of trouble!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I wrote this awhile back, and if I have already sent it,I am sorry, but it bears repeating anyway....

In James 1:15,we are told that "when lust is fully conceived it gives birth to sin, and when sin is accomplished,it gives way to death."
I think this must be the devil's own term for LSD,folks....




As we were driving through one of the SC towns, we passed an real 'ole worn down and rusty looking filling station.It looked like it was about to fall apart, because it hadn't been used or taken care of in the past. What a shame too, because I'll bet it had been a huge help to motorists in its day. Ofcourse,its condition could have been the fault of the weather;the owner,or maybe even both!
When we use the word of God, we will find that it is sharper than any two edged sword, but even swords can get dull and rusty, when they aren't used....
When the elements of neglect, and misuse, are around,that 'ole sword of God's won't operate the way it should,if it were used all the time! In fact,it won't be very sharp at all.His word has to be used continually to be sharpened, and kept from being rusty and dull.
Just like that 'ole filling station that rusted from neglect, God's word can also disappear,if we don't use it....and it won't be anyone's fault but our own!
I say,let's get out the "Scriptural Silver Polish and watch that sword come alive and sparkle with the word of God!


When I would go back and forth to the hospital room, where David stayed,I often got myself lost, because it was so confusing.I wasn't clever enough to intelligently ask where his room was either. I would get off on the 2nd floor and make my way over to a crossover walkway, that took me to the 6th floor,where the Heart and Vascular Center was located.After his surgery,I had to take the elevator to the 8th floor and go over another crossway walkover and somehow find his room, in the third section of buildings. Getting out of there was another story! I thought I might have to spend my next birthday in that hospital,if I didn't find my way out!!!
Through all my wanderings,I often thought about the Israelites, and how, even though they wandered in the desert for 40 years,God knew where they were...... "every step of the way". Just like He knew where I was "every step of the way" I was at UAB, and how He knows where each of are, on our own journey's.I'm glad I didn't have to wander that hospital for 40 years, hunting for David.
I was only good for about 15 minutes, before David called me on my cell phone!


I have grown up looking so much like my Mother,that it isn't funny.The older I get,the more I take on her characteristics, and many of my grandmother's too.I have Mother's lazy eye;and the same irritating throat clearing cough she had.(I think my whole family has that)
Some of her qualities I am grateful for;.......others I'd rather not have!
If I had to pick one quality to strive for, I would pick,for my example,to become more like Jesus! He should really be my example anyway, and when He is, He will give me the Grace to accept those imperfections of mine and my Mother's, and of other's, for what they are....just that, plain 'ole imperfections...... and who wants to be perfect, anyway?


When I was a little girl, my Mother was a den mother for Cub Scouts.I always thought that her being a den mother was cool, and I was determoned to be a Cub Scout, when I became the right age! When my brothers went to Valley Forge with the Boy Scouts,many years later,I thought I should have gone too.I learned all the things that my brothers did, but my folks just wouldn't let me go, and I couldn't understand why!
Sometimes our Heavenly Father doesn't allow us to do certain things that "we think" we should do,either. He knows the plans He has for us, and I know that mine were a whole lot better for me,than going to Boy Scouts, and Valley Forge!
I figure,if He knew me before I was even born,then He's gonna pretty much know what's gonna make me tick!
It wasn't Brownies.....
It wasn't Cub Scouts.......
I think it was to be.... "just" a child of God, who loves Him, very,very much!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


A knife fell on the floor.....
"A man is coming,Becky!"
When a fork or a spoon fell,..... a lady or a child was stopping by! My goodness did Grandmother Bouterse ever have fun trying to instill those little "whatchamacallits" into my upbringing. Those knives,forks and spoons seemed to fall all the time, when I was learning that littke ditty,and I've never forgotten it! There was something in the way that she told me about these utensils,that I've never forgotten! The knife represented the man, who was the head of the family, and then she would say,"that,Becky is the way God planned for man to be.Tall like that knife, and close to the plate(home),because he is the caretaker of the home".The fork represented the Mom,or female,and was placed on the other side of the plate(home)and was the helpful caregiver to the man.The spoon represented the child, and stayed close to the head knife, until they were old enough to become either a young salad fork(daughter),or a butter knife (son).
Oh, did she ever teach the gospel in her sweet Dutch way.
I never did ask her who the iced tea spoon was though!
I would say that eating with me at my Grandmother's was truly eating of the Bread of Life.....


This is a rather heady or deep thought journey, so put your seat belts on....
As Bettye Davis once said"It's gonna be a bumpy ride"!

I am baffled at folks today! I know I'm not the most intelligent human on the planet, but when I can see what's going on, and how everything is falling into place,in a prophetic way,then it makes me wonder what is wrong with folks today?
Do they not read their Bibles anymore, and have it explained to them? Do they not understand that every prophecy in the Old Testament has come true?Every single one! Those that I'm concerned about the most, are the ones that deal with what's happening in the world today!
I look at the countries that are coming closer and closer together to form a European alliance;Israel is settled in the mountains; we are further and further away from God;Russia and China are becoming closer allies;....Mind you, these are only in the beginning stages, but when you look around,it makes you wonder? Is anybody reading their Bibles anymore? Do folks see what is going to happen, just by God's word,telling us?
I'm afraid that some of the same folks who will believe in the wonderful Christmas story,are the same folks who are skeptical about believing in what the prophets Daniel;Ezekiel,and Isaiah predicted, because men wrote it, and they feel that man makes mistakes! Somehow it's hard for folks to believe in the inspired word of God being revealed to men in the past,as He did for Joh the Baptist in the book of Revelation!
They don't get it,do they?
God thought it!
God said it!
Man wrote it!
Surely am glad my God wins in the end,aren't you?


One of my grandmother's favorite things to give for a wedding present, was a "whistling tea kettle". It was important for it to be a whistling one too, because that was a reminder for her,to listen to God's calling her to come get into His word!Whenever it whistled,she was reminded,to put down her cup of tea, and go spend time in the word! She would go pick up her Bible and start reading,.....and read she did every day! I suppose I learned, and memorized more from the KJV, in her little trailer, when that tea kettle went off, than any other time in my life! It's funny, when I think about that tea kettle today,because, when it whistles,I almost always head for my Bible! Maybe that's why I also liked hot tea too,so much!
A nice cup of hot tea, and a call to steep in the word of God......
What a way to start your day!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


One of the few times,I ever did something I probably shouldn't have, while staying at Grandmother Bouterse's trailer, was to climb up on the roof of an empty house!Just thinking about it brings back the shivers because I could have gotten into BIG trouble!
It was a concrete block house with an outside concrete spiral staircase.No-one lived in the house, and the staircase wound its way up to a flat roof, and every so often,I would "sneak" up those steps and lay down on that roof, and imagine what it must have felt like for Peter, as he had his vision of the sheet coming down. I could imagine him,as he waited for Cornelias to come to see him.I just always thought that this was that kind of house.
There was just something about that house that drew me to it.....
The house"Itself" drew me to it!
There was just something about the Lord,that drew me to Him......
The Lord "Himself" drew me to Him!
Whether on a rooftop(preferably with permission),or in a church, or at anytime......
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
There truly is just something about that name!
And if you don't watch out,it will draw you too!


When I leave the Courtyard Marriott to go over to the hospital,I have to go through those sliding doors......You know the type.The ones that instantly open, just as you walk up to them. Sometimes it can be a little scary, because you have to trust in the doors, and have faith that they will do what they are suppose to do, when you get up to them.
At times,God's word is like those doors. He gives us His word, and we have to come the point where we need it, and walk right up to using it....knowing that what His word says,"IS" going to happen, because God said it would! That's all the faith we need to open our door to life.
He said it!
He meant it!
He'll do it!
And that's all there is to it!
Walk right up to that next impossible situation and watch God open that door for you! If you believe in Him,then nothing is too big for Him to do for you. For that matter,nothing is too small for Him to do either!
God loves to open doors!


Traveling to Birmingham took alot of concentration for me this time, even though David was driving. Every time we passed those 18 wheelers, I recalled Mama telling me to always look straight ahead, when I passed one, and to keep my eyes focused on what was infront of me, and not on the truck next to me.That way,I would stay the straight course!
God's word is the same way,as long as we keep our eyes focused on what's true.....and that is what is His true and innerant word, as it is written in scripture! We are not to let our thoughts and eyes wander off limits into "never never land", where we will be side side-swiped by the evil one.
18 wheelers can do alot of damage, but satan can do even more eternal damage!
I'd much rather keep my eyes focused straight ahead, and get where I'm going,than to stray off course and end up with a set of "real HOT wheels",forever!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Most of you know,that I do NOT like coffee in any way, shape,or all!
I do understand, though, that for coffee to have a good taste and wonderful aroma,hot water has to surround those beans and allow them to steep, so that the richness of the flavor is drawn out. :p)
Simmering the beans adds to the coffee's richness,and brings out the aroma and flavor of the coffee beans in your cup of coffee!
When you take the time to steep your way through passages of scripture,you are doing the same thing. You are drawing out the flavor and richness of scripture as you simmer and read through passages,to understand their meaning.
You don't gulp down a cup of hot coffee, and neither do you try to go through the scriptures in one fell swoop!
They are meant to be sampled; tasted, and thoroughly enjoyed!


My Grandmother Bouterse,the one you've heard me speak about so much, was truloy the love of my life growing up. In myeyes,she was an oldish sort of lady;not skinny, but not fat either, with grey hair, and that blueish tint that so many older ladies have, She had lots of wrinkles, and those brown age spots all over her. She took her teeth out at night and placed them in a jar by the bed,to soak over night. When she talked, she would make a clicking sound. She loved to sing; She loved Jesus, as I'm sure you have figured out by now. She took Digitalis for her high blood pressure, and wore those fat heeled black shoes, and she always wore a dress.She smiled all the time, and I thought she was terrably old.....maybe about a hundred!
In actuality, she was my age today.....61!
In actuality,God gave me the grandmother He knew would provide the absolute perfect scripture growth for the little Becky I was, and the grown up Becky I was to become.
Whether old or young,He's always right on target!


Saturday, December 20, 2008


When Mama was a young girl,her folks would often drive her over to Orlando. Driving over those old lines in the roads,back then, made a repetitive noise,that made Mama think of a rhyme,that sounded like:"Black- and- dusty-goin'- to- a- gusty".
Each line represented a line that the car drove over.It was only when I moved to Aiken, which is 13 miles from Augusta,that the little diddy made sense to me.
In the same manner, when we read scripture, we often think scripture pertains to the "olden days", but we might want to shake off the dust from our reading, and let the Holy Spirit enlighten us. We will see that its meaning is crystal clear for our lives to day, and not black and dusty at all!


When I was a little girl,I use to get these little cereal boxes,that you could open down the middle. Inside was a foil lined packet that would hold cereal and milk, ao that you could eat right out of that little box! It was so convenient and exciting too.It was an unusual way to package that surprise, but I never would have known it was in there,if I hadn't looked inside.
God's word is like that box of cereal too....
It comes in a plain bound book....Nothing fancy about the cover, but when you open it up and look inside,you can partake of some of God's choicest morsels from scripture.
Why,He even includes some Bread of Life and Living Water, and you can't get those in cereal boxes!

Friday, December 12, 2008


In the past 7 years, since beginning my journey's,I have been blessed to be in a position to retire, and to look back on my life.I can now see what all has made up my life......
In so doing,it has dawned on me,that God has given me so many different platforms to take on,as expressions of my love for the Lord!
My first platform was when I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, back in the 2nd grade.
I've had it all my life, and will probably always have it.I could probably express to alot of people, just how God showed His love for me,during this time too.
After college,I went through the divorce of my parent's, 40 year marriage, which was extremely hard for me, but God was faithful to get me through that time and He can use me to help others do the same,now...
In 1990,I lost my older sister to cancer, at the age of 56.She left behind 5 children, and even though she was 13 years older than me,I still miss her to this day.I understand what it means to help someone through the loss of a sibling..... God had established another platform for me, and He was preparing me for a future platform as well.....
In 1992,our 2nd son,George was taken from the home,by DSS,for two years.I don't dwell on this period, because it has all been resolved, so I don't visit those memories much....only to help someone in that same situation.
Within a year, my sweetheart had suffered a massive heart attack, and the doctors worked on him for 45 minutes to bring him back, so another platform developed,where God could and did use me to share in helping others in this same situation.....
However,I was getting a little exhausted from being used so much......HaHa!(God was just beginning with me!)
God brought our son George home,that year,and within that next year,in 1995,He took our oldest son,David,jr.back home to Heaven......Folks,this is a hard platform, but my God never gives me anything I cannot bear and with this trial gave me a way to bear it, and I can even share this with others now too.I think this is how my "Mom's Who Lost Children" weekend at the beach started. That has been a blessing for all these Mom's too.
Now,my brain hemorrage"platform" was another thing, but He had control over that too, and He has used me more times than I can count to share His message.It's so funny how He takes my worn out,dilapidated,forgetful brain, and puts it in a position, where I can tell somebody what happened to me, and how God delivered me.....
It's so cool!
Before you know it, we're chatting about the Lord and what He can do for you.It is so neat! There are little platforms,too, that aren't so exciting,but necessary.Like sharing what God wants you to do, when your husband decides to move from the town you've lived in for 30 years! Ofcourse there's learning to submit in love "platform" , and that's a doozy too! God has richly blessed me though. He has given me many platforms....not stumbling blocks, but building blocks! They are there for me to share how He has walked me through that whole period in my life.He has been my Rock;my Redeemer, and my Sustainer for more years than I can count.He has comforted me when I needed it and has never,ever let me down!
So, when people ask me how I can have the faith I's simple!
Just whip you up a few deaths in your family;have a family divorce; have some family sickness; have a brain hemorrage;.....and no idea how to cope with any of this.
You will quickly come up with the one and only solution!
The only solution is the best example of faith, you will ever see!
Faith may be the substance of things "hoped for", and the evidence of things "not seen",for most folks, but for this 'ole gal,Faith like this is so visible, that there is no hope involved.It's a sure thing!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


When I leave the hotel,to walk over to the hospital,I have to go through those sliding doors.....You know the ones,that instantly open, when you walk up to them! Sometimes it can be a little scary, because you have to trust and have faith that they will do what they're suppose to do.....and that's open up when you get to them.
God's word is like those doors too!
He gives us His word, and we have to trust that when we come right up to using it, that He will honor those words and promises.We have to trust that what He says "IS" gonna happen, because God said it would! That's all the faith and trust we need,to know our door to life is gonna open for us too!
He said it!
He meant it!
He'll do it!
And that's all there is to it!
Walk right up to that next impossible situation and see if God doesn't open the door for you! If you believe and trust Him,there is nothing too impossible for Him to do for you.
He loves to open doors.....


I was going through some of Mama's cookie recipes tonight,so I could begin baking my batches of cookies for Christmas.As I sifted through them,I came across several of Grandmother Bouterse's handwritten recipes, and I had to sit down and weep with delight! One recipe was given to her by her sister,Betty Dustin, and it had all sorts of details about her sister, written on it. What a treasure it was....
It was like reading a history of what (and who) meant so much to my Grandmother.
These cookies were "Ice Box Cookies", back in the days when we had Ice Boxes instead of refrigerators!
You know, God has given us a recipe for Eternal Life too. He has given us letters in the scriptures, that give us recipes,for how we should live.
The recipe for Grandmother's Ice Box Cookies, came from Aunt Betty Dustin.....
The recipe for Eternal Salvation came from God's Son, Jesus Christ.....
He's the only relative,I know that can give you a recipe for a fulfilling meal,topped with Grace, that will last forever.....and it's free,too!


"There's a song in the air".....

The air in Aiken and Beaufort have been filled with the music of my choir.

"There's a star in the sky"......

They're singing to the Glory of the Star of Bethlehem.

"There's a Mother's sweet prayer"......

This choir understands the joy of this Mother's prayer.

"And a baby's low cry".....

They are heralding in the Majesty of this Kingly Child!

And yes,the star does reign its fire, while the beautiful sing, because this choir has been gifted by our Lord to give back thanks to Him in such a glorious and magnificent way!
They found the "song in the air"

They sang it to the "star in the sky"

The star which heralded the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, was an answer to a "mothers sweet prayer."

That prayer was answered with "a baby's low cry"
Which cries for all mankind to come to Him and receive His free gift of Salvation.
Now, that's some song in the air!

Mmm Good!

Grandmother Bouterse use to make me these special treats that were what you would call "Smores" today,only they didn't have the marshmallows in them. She would melt a bar of her Dutch chocolate on the stove, and then spread it between two graham crackers.The special part about this treat, was that she froze them in her tiny ice box freezer.It was only eaten after it had been frozen. It had to have time to become hard and cling to the graham cracker.
God's word is like this treat too! When we take it and spread it into our hearts, and leave it there for a while,it will cling to us and harden against the evil one. Because we've tasted of what's good and what's true,...... and that's God's word,it will be pleasant to the soul and healing to the bones.
I still make these treats to this day,but I cheat, and use store bought dark chocolate frosting.I think of Grandmother Bouterse everytime I fix them too, and remember the lesson she taught me everytime I eat one.....
Recipe is good!......God is good!
Recipe is available! .....Evil isn't!


Don't you just love how James describes the prodigal son,with his disobedience to his Father,and goes on his own journey to a distant country?He's pretty descriptive,if you ask me,when he says he's gone to a "distant country"! He disobeyed his Father,and wanted his own way....far away, and yet, he was able to come back, and his Father took him back! That was unheard of, back then!The thing that breaks my heart, for some folks, is that they will be disobedient to their Heavenly Father, and not accept His terms, for an Eternal Home!
They too, will turn away, and travel on their own way to as distant land....far away,forever!
For them, their journey to a distant land will end there! They can never come home,because they didn't choose to come Home to their Father!
There distant land will be their home forever, and it will be called hell!


When you know that God took Sodom and Gomorrah, and despised what it stood for, and completely destroyed it,it will make you stop and think where He located what remains of it today......
Its remains are the lowest place on earth today, and are known as the Dead Sea!
Makes you think twice about how He feels concerning that, huh?


Why in the world should I worry about what is going on in today's world?
I'm gonna live for Eternity!

Friday, December 05, 2008


Oh, how Grandmother Bouterse loved to bake using bittersweet chocolate, and she would always give me a snap off the end of the chocolate bar! I suppose that's why I love dark chocolate as much as I do,today. To this day,I will bite off a bar of a 75%Cocoa Chocolate bar.....Yum! It leaves such a good taste in my memory "taste" bank.
You know, when Christ left His disciples, it was bittersweet for them too. He had been so close to them, and their friendship and love for Him, was so sweet. His death was bittersweet for them to taste,at the end.
He tried to reassure them that it was necessary for Him to go, because He would send the Helper to be with them.
His leaving was necessary for the Holy Spirit to come!
Yes! Sending Him to His death was bitter!
Yes! Sending the Holy Spirit was sweet!
Yes!Sending us Jesus Christ, was bittersweet!
But aren't we glad He did?

Thursday, December 04, 2008


When Grandmother Bouterse was baking something, she would always grease her pans using the wrapper from the stick of butter. I always thought that was so funny too.
She reminded me that God's word told us to be good steward's of everything He has given us.She said, that if she had even a little bit of butter left,that she needed to use it, .......and use it she did!In this same way,we need to be good steward's of the talent's God has given us too.We may not think we have much left to use,but what we have left,is sufficient,if we need to use it, whenever we can!
Grandmother smeared that butter wrapper all around her baking pans, and I surely do plan to smear the gifts God gave me around,...... everywhere I can!
Maybe not in a cake pan,though!


Mama and Daddy would pick me up and take me with them, every Friday night, that they would get together with their friends.
There were the Swartsel's;the Reid's;the Traverse;the Brown's;the Eichelberger's;the Simpson's;the Bryant's. (In later years it was just the Reid's and Browns)I usually watched some TV show,with Bill, who was Bob and Mary Lib Eichelberger's son, while they all played cards.Mary Lib is the last living friend, and is in her upper 90's now.
Bill and I loved to watch "Forbidden Planet", with Robbie the Robot.This dear friend has gone home to the Lord now, and I miss him dearly.
This was a treasured time for us, as children.It was kinda neat that Mama and Daddy could pack me up and take me with them, wherever they went, and in whatever they were doing!
If we keep God's word close at hand, we too, can tuck it into our hearts and take it with us, wherever, and anywhere we go.It's all ready to go with us.....anytime!
We just have to take it out and use it!
It fits right in, wherever we go, and with whatever we're doing!


My Daddy's Father was known as "Sunshine".Pa Ray had snow white hair, and he could build just about anything.He was deaf as a doorknob,so I learned to talk,by looking straight at him,so he could read my lips.This is how he taught me to tell his version of one of the Brer Rabbit stories.He would tell me:"It's your turn to tell it!",to which I would reply:"No,it's yours!" He'd say with a huge grin:"Nope it's your turn, but come sit down and I'll tell it again anyway!" Boy howdy, would we laugh!Oddly enough, this is how I learned to tell this story from memory,so well.....
I've never forgotten telling it either!
Just think what would happen,if God's children, would tell the world,His story.....over and over!
Yep! We would never forget it, would we?
It's a pretty exciting story too!



When I was 10 years old, and in the 5th grade,I got in big trouble.I also was called something by my 5th grade teacher,that I have never,ever forgotten! Someone had drawn a picture on the blackboard,of a picture which resembled a lady having a large nose.In my 5th grade,perceptive way,I told Patty,that it looked like Mr.Gibson's new wife......J.T. humphries told Mr. Gibson, what I had said, and his response to me, was:"You are no better than the lowest earthworm, and don't deserve to sit on the first pew in church!"
I tell you this now,because that was 51 years ago,and I've never forgotten those words! They hurt then, and they hurt now, to think that someone actually said them to me!We so often forget the power of our words. Jesus even said that the tongue had the ability to start a fire, and was hard to tame.
If He said it, we need to take stock in the words that we say, and watch how we speak to others!
When you are upset with someone,think before you speak, and think about how they will remember those words in 50 years,or so! Let your words be said with grace, as seasoned with salt.Speak your words,so they can be tucked away forever, being brought back to remembrance, with a smile!

Monday, December 01, 2008


Michael would drive up to the Ocala National Forest; pick out our "perfect" Christmas tree, and bring it home.Daddy would paint a nativity scene mural on our oversized mirror, which hung over the living room fireplace. It was beautiful in my little girl eyes!
Chris and I would take the little nativity figurines, and as the Christmas story was read, he and I would take each figurine and walk them through the journey all the way to bethlehem, where Mary had to stop, and give birth to the baby Jesus! We would put everyone in their correct places,except for the baby Jesus,because He didn't arrive until Christmas morning.....
On Christmas Eve,Mama always sang "O Holy Night" at our Methodist church,in Mount Dora.To my little girl ears,it was like hearing the angels sing!
Mr.Frick, who whose home Daddy built, always came by during the week, and took me out to dinner at the LakeSide Inn.He was a delightful,baldheaded man, that I just adored, and this was his special treat to me at Christmas.
What a treat in this little girl's eyes!
Ofcourse we stopped in to see the Reid's;the Baker's, and the Swartsel's, every Christmas,or they would come by to see us... It just sorta worked out that way.
The grandparents would come with their smiles, and Grandmother Ray's Date Nut Pudding, but this time, we would have Roast Beef; Stuffed Potatoes;Conch Peas; some sort of molded salad,and ofcourse,Mama's fresh Coconut Cake! Now, this really was a treat in this little girl's eyes!
Yes, all of this was something special in this little girl's eyes! I had my parents with me,until they were 89,and 90! My sister only made it to age 56, and she was 13 years older than me. David Jr. made it to age 20, and now he is gone to be with them too.
I can still say all of this was a treat and a blessing.....Why?
Because,my Christmas is "built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness."
All the rest are ornaments on my tree!
And what ornaments in this "Big" girl's eyes!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all,a good night!