Friday, May 30, 2008


"I was twenty when she died.My Mother's Mother was living with my parents and I was in college when she finally lost her battle to Pancreatic Cancer. Her name was Lessie Alford and she was the oldest of 10 children,born to a farmer in eastern North Carolina. She was also,according to everyone who knew her,a saint.
She didn't make the news or have wealth or fame.She was not important in politics or church history books.She was a school teacher,a Sunday School teacher, a farmer, a neighbor, a wife, and mother and grandmother. She was the kindest and most loving person I have ever known.
After her death,the family gathered to divide Grandmother's few belongings. My sister chose her quilts. My cousins wanted pots and pans and the sweing machine.My mother wanted to keep her wedding rings. My dad asked for her Bible and my brother wanted a few pictures.
I chose my grandmother's mirror.
It was part of a set, but I don't know what happened to the brush and comb.I suppose I got them as well,but I didn't keep up with them.The mirror has a long handle and is gold- plated with a now-faded floral fabric backing. Like my grandmother,on the surface,it does not look that remarkable.
For more than 20 years I never understood why I chose the mirror. I never remember my grandmother actually using it. She was never one to wear much make-up or worry too much about her looks. She was not vain; she rarely checked a mirror and I don't recall that this mirror was that significant to her.
Recently, during my weekly house-cleaning,as I was dusting the bedroom furniture,I picked up the mirror and decided to look at myself.I down the dust rag, held the long handle in my hands and turned it over to see my reflection.And without having any clear idea why I was having this revelation at that particular moment,it was just at that time that I finally understood why I chose my grandmother's mirror.
I have never thought of myself as being special or important.Infact,I would have to say that I have spent much of my life feeling inferior,insignificant,even worthless.Mine,I have learned is a constant and familiar battle for many people, that struggle of never quite feeling good enough.As I stared at myself in the mirror,however,I realized that I never felt that way when I was with my grandmother. She always made me feel special and significant and beautiful.
She said only good things about me,always told me that I could do anything,that I could be anybody. And I realized as I stood looking at myself in grandmother's mirror more than 25 years after her death,that this was the reason for my choice. This gift meant more to me than her jewelry or her hand sewn quilts,her iron skillets,her pictures or even her Bible.I wanted to keep for as long as I live,my grandmother's image of me. I have always longed to see myself as she saw me.
And so the mirror remains close at hand. It will bring me what nothing else can,a reflection of myself, created and given in love.It holds the best of me,the view from my grandmother's eyes.It is her greatest gift."
Lynne Hinton (Writer of Faith & Values in the Charlotte Observer)

Thursday, May 29, 2008


If I really think about it,I guess I am really am alot like my Mother......and probably Kelly is alot like me too!
I find myself doing the very same things that drove me crazy, when my Mother did them! Mother's are special people though.... Mine always smiled! I guess because her Mother always did. It's funny, but my Kelly is a people person too!
(I haven't a clue where she gets that from!) My Grandmother Bouterse was fairly skinny;Mama was skinny, and I was so skinny, that when I turned to the side, and stuck out my tongue,I looked like a zipper,....but Kelly beat us all growing up! We all loved to write stories;songs; poems;and jingles growing up.Mama was a school teacher;so was I! Kelly started out with that in mind, but changed her senior year in college; Mama had a deep love for gardening and was a Master Flower Show Judge, so my love of gardening comes about naturally. Kelly,Mama and I all love to move furniture......(I won't say what the spouses,or spouse- to- be thought of that trait!) Grandmother probably would have too, if she'd had any to move!
Kelly inherited Mama's beautiful voice....I DID NOT!
Even with all these obvious traits that we all have, there is only one that bonds us truly alike.....
Our Lord.....
When our Lord created my Grandmother Bouterse,before the foundation of the world, He decided that she would need a great grandaughter by the name of Kelly, and that they wouldn't meet each other until Heaven.However,this Kelly would have all her attributes, here on earth, because God,in His Sovereignty,chose to give her My Mother for a Grandmother, and me,for a Mother, and between the two of us, she's pretty much heard a great deal about her Great Grandmother Bouterse.......
Boy, did God ever have fun doing that one!
What a jubilee we will have when the four of us get together for the very first time in Heaven.....
Reina; Bettye;Becky and Kelly......Woo Hoo!
Only the God of the Universe could have done this one, and I'll bet she'll have her Banana Cake waiting for me too!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, Promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Might our God have said......

I God, in Heaven,in order to form a more perfect Dwelling Place, established Justice, insured domestic Tranquility,the correct way, provided for the common defense with rules, and always promoted the general welfare with loving guidelines, so that I could Secure Your Eternal blessings of freedom from sin for generations to follow, and I do ordain and establish my Sovereign word in Holy Scripture, for All Nations.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Once again,as I ride with David, through Yemassee,I am catching glimpses of all the Queen Anne's Lace growing alongside the road.......... Even if it is a weed,I still love it!
Sounds like our respose to sin too,doesn't it?
Even if it is a sin, we just love it!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I have been reflecting on this past Mother's day.....
and really on this upcoming Father's Day! I am so thankful to God for giving me the Mother he did, but to be honest, He didn't just give me one Mother, He gave me a whole town of Mothers!
There were Mothers all over Mount Dora, who took care of me..... Some who would pick me up from school,if Mother couldn't make it, and take me to their house, until she could get me! Never fear,because if I did something wrong,they could punish me too, because they had the same godly values as my own Mother! I've had Mother's who taught me how to delicately decorate sugar cubes;those who showed me how to correctly brew a cup of tea;some to learn to be a junior gardener; some on how to decorate gingerbread cookies;others on how to arrange flowers.....
Over the years, these Mother's have become so very dear to me, and continue to hold a special place in my heart. My Lord has been so gracious to loan me these extra Mothers.....
Most of these ladies,(and that's what they all were) have long since gone back Home to Him!I think I only have two left.
There aren't any of the Dad's left,I don't think, except for one very special Father.
I was introduced to Him, when I was born, and He has never left me.
He is waiting for me, and will either come back and get me and take me Home, or I'm goin' up there one of these days, and I'm not comin' back!.....Woo Hoo!


In the middle of Carl's sermon today,this thought came barrelling through my mind. I hope it makes sense, the way I rapidly wrote it down......

If I can go the right way down a one way street in town, why can't I go the right way on a one way street to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm impressed folks, and I don't mind saying it! God gave me a little nugget today, and it was sooooooo cool. My tire light came on and stayed on, so I had to take it by the Toyota place,so they could see why it has been doing that for several months now.
I wandered over to the waiting area and sat down to wait for my car, and while I was waiting and "minding my own business", I overheard a salesman sharing his faith with a customer.I have no idea who the salesman was, but it was so nice to know that he felt totally comfortable; relaxed, and able to share his belief's with a customer. How refreshing! His relationship with the Lord is safe and secure and he knows that the place he works is in tune with the Lord too, and that's what it's all about.....Isn't it? I was so thankful for God, for giving Jerry this dealership and providing the way to be able, for not only Jerry to share his faith, but for others too.
You hear so much about not bringing your work home with you, that it's nice to know ,that at Stokes Brown, you can bring what you value as important at home, to work with you.
Well done,Stokes Brown Toyota!
You not only make my wonderful Solara,that I drive, but some devoted customers for the Lord!


I knew the best part of Spring had arrived today,folks!
God sent,me His picture postcard as it floated onto the bird feeder outside. It's in the shape and color of His gorgeous male Painted Bunting's too, so I know Spring has sprung!!!
I just love these birds!
I love the chartreuse;blue and red on the male of the species.
......and yet the female is totally chartreuse.
I think she is pretty stunning herself!
I don't think God could have given me anything more gorgeous to herald in the arrival of Spring and Summer, than these birds.
This God that I love so much, has such a creative and yet such a majestic mind.......
I think He knew that there would be competition between the species, even in these creatures!
My what a colorful God we serve, and He's all ours,folks!


Sherwin Williams.......
The paint that covered the world!

Jesus Christ.........
The blood that covered the world!


My best friend,Tara, emailed me today, and reminded me of something from a long time ago. When we were growing up, we both belonged to the Methodist Church in Mount Dora. Across the street from it, the church had erected an old house where we had all our dances and meetings for the youth. It was a fun-filled gathering place for the youth, and was known affectinately around town as "The Meth House".
Tara said she was telling someone about it and they thought it was kind of wild to be called that for a church building. She was puzzled at first, and then it dawned on her too! We both laughed over this, because Mount Dora was about as "in the dark ages" when were growing up, as the cave man!
What a change several years can have in a word though.....
"Meth" for Methodist surely doesn't mean what it does today!
I surely am glad that the word of God never changes and never will!
We'd be in a big "meth" if it did!(lol)


Isn't it incredible how God, just by His divine and inspired word, could make Shepherds,Kings, and a Doctor,give us the words in the Holy Bible?


Have you ever seen a 61 year old sitting in her closet, attempting to clean out her storage bins?
(It's a funny sight too) Well, this 'ole gal just couldn't cut it, after she found some pictures of her with her Grandmother Bouterse. I was probably about 9,or 10, and quite scraggly.(When I was young,if I turned to the side and stuck out my tongue,I looked like a zipper,I was so skinny!)
I spent most of my time,however,laughing, and thinking about this delightful lady.
She was always smiling and filled with the Lord's presence.My goodness, did she ever love Him!
I know she did,because she loved me too. When I asked her if she was afraid to die, she would always answer"No,I will see,my Lord and my Mama." Now to me, this was the simplest answer ever, and coming from someone who had never lied to me, I knew it had to be true......
When people tell you the truth, and don't lie to you about the simple,everyday things, you tend to believe them on the "biggie" things!
Atleast this little girl did!
She would also "just happen to mention" that Jesus told us that He was going to prepare a place for us, and that He would come back and takes us to be with Him......Boy, did I ever think that was cool!
I've been waitin' on the Rapture ever since then,folks!!!
She was pretty clever sneakin' in scripture this way, that grandmother who never went to college.


Ruth sent me the dearest article today.It was about a young girl who chose to take her grandmother's mirror as her keepsake, after she died.She took this, because she finally realized that when she looked into the mirror, it was what her Grandmother saw that made her feel so special. Her Grandmother made her feel significant, and worthy, just like my grandmother did for me......
I don't suppose Ruth could have touched me in a dearer way.....

I called Nellah and read it to her and we both shed a few tears over it. It was so dear of Ruth to send this to me.
If you think of it though, if we place all our trust and love in our Lord, then when we look in the mirror of His life, we should be able to see His image reflecting back too, now shouldn't we?


I'm sitting out in the sun again, with the wind whipping at my face. I'm watching a fisherman reel in something, while David and I are waiting for the grands to arrive.We are just relaxing and enjoying our time together out here. It's so nice the way God gives me time alone with Him during the week, and then time with my sweetie on the weekend. He tells us in His word, to refresh ourselves by the reading of His word, which I have been doing all week! Yet, He has also seen to give me this weekend, where I can glory in Him, with the "man of my dreams", and those precious little ones. Oh, what a glorious God we serve!
.......and to think I get to do this every 4 weeks
(except during the summer!)


My favorite movie growing up, was "Imitation Of Life".
I just loved it! When I think of living in our world today, and how we really are living an "imitation" of the true life, and the "real thing", I get so sad...... Then I think that when our time is up on this earth, we get to begin a new life above, and that won't be as an imitation either, but with the "Creation Of Life," Himself.......Jesus Christ!
Yep! It's The Real Thing,folks, and it's not Coke,either!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Isn't it awesome how God,just by His divine, and inspired word,could make shepherds,kings, and a doctor,give us the words in the Bible?


She took all the scraps from my old dresses and delicately stitched them into a bonnet girl quilt for me, when I was growing up. Oh,how I loved it. Over and over,Grandmother Bouterse would tell me that it would take lots of different pieces of material to make up one bonnet girl, because it took lots of pieces to make up me!
These scraps of material for this quilt remind me of what goes into making up the body of Christ.....all shapes; sizes; colors; nationalities; talents.........
God uses all these things to build His church. He takes these pieces and stitches them together with His everlasting thread. It makes for a mighty beautiful and eternal picture of the body of Christ!


I was listening to my music tonight, all snuggled under the covers, and ready for bed.
My mind wandered back to my trip to Florida, and how confusing that trip had been, with all the constuction going on.I definitely don't like change,anymore,and the continual road construction work in front of me, really left me drained and confused. I don't like those big 'ole concrete barriers they put up either.
I was glad tonight, when I could open God's word, and have something in front of me, that never changes!
It's the same yesterday; today; and tomorrow! His word isn't confusing,either, and He doesn't give you a spirit of fear, but of power and a sound mind(and if you ever need a sound mind,it is driving on I-95).
So,I am listening to my music tonight, and thinking how grateful I am to have God's word as my very own construction crew!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Grandmother Bouterse visited me today!!! (HaHa!)
Seriously,I noticed this morning, that I had developed a sty on my eye lid.Now,I haven't had a sty since I was probably about 12 years old,, and if I had one sty,I had about 100, but Grandmother Bouterse always came through for me, with her home made remedy! She would take a tea bag, and boil it in water, and place it on my eye lid,(without burning me), and presto! The sty would be gone within a matter of days......... Works everytime!
There was sokmething about the heat and the herbs in the teabag that drew out the poisons in the infected follicle.
Christ does the same thing for us too, when we become infected with our sins. He places us in the furnace of affliction, where the heat is turned up, and the poisons are drawn out. When we ask His forgiveness,He always gives it, and places that soothing balm upon our pain, and we become like new......
Right then!
We don't even have to wait several days either......
Now,I wonder if I should use a Decaffenated tea bag,or regular???


After listening to Chuck Swindoll, on the radio this morning,I realized that all the things that happened to me in my early childhood have molded me into the person I am today.
Due to my hemorrage it's difficult for me to memorize scripture anymore, but those coming from my early childhood days, will pop right into my head when I need them, with no problem at all, even though I can't tell you the address! It's kinda like knowing there's a God, but not knowing where He is. I have all kinds of experiences that He has taken me through, as examples for His faithfulness to me, even though I can't always go to the scripture .
If you find it hard to memorize, don't give up.....keep trying!
The main thing is to not give up showing our love for Him.....
My Grandmother Bouterse had a little placque above her
bedroom door, that said it all.It pretty much sums up how we should live.......
all the time. "GOD FIRST"!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Two of my very favorite movie stars, when I was growing up, were Roy Rogers, and Pat Boone.
I liked Roy Rogers, mostly because he had a beautiful horse....Trigger, but it was Pat Boone who won my heart! I admired him, because he would never kiss another leading lady in a movie, if it wasn't his wife! He was committed to her, and no other..... I always thought that was so wonderful.
God's word tells us that we are to have no other God before Him either! This can mean our children;our spouse;money;job; anything that takes priority over God. The God we love so much, is a very jealous God,folks!!! I don't know about you, but I'm not one for fooling around with jealous people either!
God wants to be first in our life......No, that's not true.
God WILL be first in our life!
Just as Pat Boone would show his affection to no-one but his wife on screen, we too, need to show our affection to no-one but our God!


I'm sitting out in the sun again, with the wind whipping at my face. I'm watching a young fisherman reel in something, while David and I are waiting for the grands to arrive. We're just enjoying this time together, out here in the sun. It's so nice the way God gives me time alone here with Him, and then time with my sweetie. He tells us in His word, that we are to refresh ourselves and to renew our thinking by the reading of His word, which I have delighted myself in doing all week.He has also given me this weekend, where I can glory in Him, with the "man of my dreams" and those precious grands.Oh, what a wonderful God we serve!
.....and to think I get to do this every 4 weeks, during the school year!


You know, it doesn't surprise me, really, that my number one gift,on the Spiritual Gifts Test,was Faith. If I could describe myself, I would say that I have a complete abandon of myself,to my Lord.......I'm sold out to Him!Forget the world; it's whatever my Lord so desires. I know it's not that easy, or simple, but that's what my heart feels.
Polishing your faith takes time too!
I am reminded of the finest stones that must be cut and polished before they reach their brilliance, and of how fires must become their most intense before they can refine any metal. So it is with us....
Look at Abraham, and how God took him,"the Father of our Faith", up to the very edge of the testing of his faith, but as His word says," will with the testing, of your faith, provide a way of escape"....and He faithfully did!
Abraham's faith will stand for generation's to come, as an example of how God honor's man's obedience to Him.
I hope and pray my faith will be as honorable to this God that I love so very much.....


I love it on days like this. I'm sitting out in the hot sun....and it is hot!, but there's a continual breeze wafting around me. The noise of the sea gulls and their chirping is sounding all around, and the gentle swooshing of the waves gently calms me. It reminds me of being under the beating rays of satan's perpetual fiery darts of affliction, but somehow, always having the gentle reminder and comfort of the Holy Spirit nearby.
It's my breath of fresh air......
I can be in the midst of the heaviest and most heated battle, and I will not be perplexed, or fall down.....For He will smite mine enemy, and give me comfort. He will refresh my soul, and He has already.....


I have a magazine, that I get, when I am over here at Edisto, and I just love it! It's called "Real Simple", and it is filled with beautiful down to earth ideas for good living. I love the pictures; the ideas, and the way it's put together,.......... and it's not too expensive either!
If you ask me though, the stories about Jesus Christ are filled with good eternal living, for a down to earth lifestyle too, and His way, is "really simple".
The cost has already been paid too!


When the Lord said He was our Shepherd and that we would not want.....
He meant, for anything!
That means, when there are all these catastrophies going on around you; when you lose a child,or a mate; when you become disabled;....anything!
He must have said it for a reason. .........I think He knew something,we didn't folks!
He knew that the Good Shepherd could take care of every single detail of all we needed, and would supply all of what we needed for every situation.....
In order for this to come about though, we must rely totally on the Good Shepherd. It is then,and then,only,that He will lead us to the place where we can lie down in "His green pastures".
Now,I don't know about you,but I'm figurin' those places are about the most content and restful places you can find, this side of Heaven,so I'm all for following Him.
How about you?


When I am over at Edisto, and it's hazy, like it is today,I can see the faint outline of Beaufort,(or rather Hunting Island) When I see it like this,I am reminded of the scripture, where we're told : "for now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see face to face."
Yep! When I go back home to Beaufort,it won't be hazy anymore, and someday, when I get to Heaven,it will be clear as a bell!
Woo Hoo!

Sunday, May 04, 2008


My wish for you, this day, is the same as it is for myself.......
It is for those things that I saw in my Grandmother....and probably saw in my Mother, only, I just didn't realize what they were, at the time.....
Clothe yourself too, in strength and dignity, and smile at the future, because you are content.
When you speak, wisdom comes forth, and from your heart pours forth kindness.
May you continue to love and care for your household as you always have.
The trust in your husband's heart,clings to him, and you will do him good all the days of your life.
You fear the Lord and will be praised..... and your children will rise up and call you blessed, and your Father above, will one day say: "Well done,good and faithful servant.'!

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Grandmother Bouterse was always going around, and picking up the threads and pins, that she would find on the floor, and then she would pin them onto her blouse.......All the time!
She had a bigger collection of pins and loose threads on her blouses than Carter had "Little Liver Pills"!(Remember those?)She use to tell me that it was a reminder to her of how Christ always went after His lost sheep. He would find those who had gone astray,or gotten lost and bring them back, and attach them back to the body. What a reminder!
So, if you see me,one day, with pins and threads all over my blouse.........don't ask! :p)

Friday, May 02, 2008


Back in the 70's,I had a short stint as a restaurant hostess, although, what I really wanted to do in the restaurant, was be a waitress. I wanted to serve people, and to wait on them,in the best way I could.
Alas, my dream just didn't come true, for I manage to serve in the school system for almost 25 years, teaching Elementary Physical Education.
So many times,I am reminded in scripture where we are to wait upon the Lord, and that those who do, "will mount up with wings like eagles;they will run and not get tired; They will walk and not become weary." By waiting on the Lord,He gave me a renewed strength, in a new direction...
One that took me on a new course in my life too.
This time,though,I had a renewed strength, given to me by the Lord, because I waited upon Him!.............That's Savior Serving Strength!!!


Imagine arriving at your travel agents office, to go on the trip of your lifetime,only to find out that your reservation had never been received, because the travel agent didn't recognize your name?

Those folks, who think they know Jesus, but who really don't, will find out this same thing one day, when our Lord says:"I never knew you!"
Their Eternal trip of a lifetime will take a different turn!


I have so many weeds in my yard,right now,but I just can't seem to get them up! However,it's still important that I try....... Otherwise, they will take over the whole area and it won't be good for anything! In Hebrews,we are told that we need to get rid of all our bitterness, because it will choke out all our good and pure thoughts. Even when we feel as if we have been "rightly" wronged, we need to let it go, and allow God to deal with the problem in His way. He'll get us back on the right road! We need to remember to spray proof our own road first.....
Bitterness doesn't do any good. It just eats up the container it's stored in! It eats you up,like the weed eats up the good grass.
Stay away from it!
If God remains in You, He will deal with them later....
He's a great insecticide!

Thursday, May 01, 2008


I've told you before, that I loved being in my "Mary" time of life, as a child, and that I am grateful to God for bringing me back to my Mary time of life, now that I am in Beaufort!
As of late,though, I've found that Martha is knocking on my door again, and I didn't realize she had moved back to Beaufort!
She arrived wearing the clothes of Bible studies; constant meetings;mid- week church; meal deliveries;.....
All the good things that are done in the name of service for our Lord...... I found myself so spent and exhausted from going back and forth, that I just had to stop!
That's when I realized that Martha was trying to move back into my house....and I hadn't even invited her!
I'm enjoying Mary right now,since she enjoys spending time at the feet of Jesus,I'd just as soon that Martha scoot for awhile, because she stays too busy, just being busy!
Bye Martha! Go see somebody else!!!