When you lose someone;
When your job is terminated;
When you find yourself lost;
When you are out there on your own, and it seems kinda dark and alone sometimes, remember this little analogy, as it has been a huge help for me.......
Sometimes you aren't sure which way to go, because the path seems so dark.You can't seem to find the direction to go, or where you need to be, in order to survive.It's at this point, you will discover, that God has covered you with the protective covering of His wing. It too, is dark under God's wing!
Very dark.... and it's very hard to see where you are.
You can't see where you are going, but He can......
It's also a very, very, safe place,under God's wing.
God, in His infinite wisdom, and compassionate heart will wait until "He knows" you are ready to stand on your own, and then He will allow you to stand under the "Shadow" of His wing. He's testing your strength,and giving you a little less coverage, but He's right there if You need Him! When He thinks You are ready for Your full dose of the "Son" again, He will fold back His powerful wings and allow the Son to Reign over You full force once again!
He covered me for a full year before he removed His wings, after David Jr. died, and I remember the day He removed it. He was my comforter, and will continue to be forever!
He trusted me enough, to give me something,so horrific, as the death of my son, knowing full well, that I would never, ever betray His love or faithfulness.
Isn't being under His wing wonderful?