Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well,it's almost wedding day! Tonight is the rehearsal for the wedding,followed by the rehearsal dinner. I have just gotten back from seeing my very best friends from childhood.One flew in from New York;one drove up from Tallahassee,while the other one met her along the interstate from Rome,George, and they both came in together.These are friends, who, by all right,shouldn't even know each other, but because our parents were friends, were we!
It's hard to explain this type of friendship in todays culture.If marriage could withstand problems, the way our friendship has stood the test of time, there wouldn't be divorce!
The friendship between us, is the example of what a true marriage should look like.
It is an enduring friendship, and it has gone through some pretty hard times,too!
It's kinda like the type that Christ talked about, and it's so beautiful......


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