Friday, September 12, 2008


She was only 7 pounds,20" long, when she was born on April 20th,1979. She had the biggest,brown,"cow eyes" you have ever seen,on a baby girl, and she was covered in lanolin.That should have told me something about this little girl, even then!
Mother and daughter soon developed a close relatonship with each other. Pots and pans on the kitchen floor, and lots of night time prayers and talks.There wasn't too much that we didn't share. We were always honest and open with one another, and it has paid off!
She was a pretty determined young lady, and once she made her mind up about something, that pretty much settled it!I knew she belonged to the Lord, as a child, but she had to find Him for herself, and that she did!
I knew too, that one day,this young girl,that David and I brought into the world, would meet someone who would turn her head in a beautiful way!......and that she did!
Josh asked for Kelly's hand in marriage last fall, and then proposed to her, by way of a hand carved jack 'o lantern, that said:"WILL YOU MARRY ME?" How much more romantic can you get than that? I knew right then, that he was the romantic fella that our Kelly needed!
The most endearing thing about this whole next weekend,though, is that both Josh and Kelly love the Lord. Even though they are both trying to work at having a lovely wedding, they are more concerned at working at making it a lovely marriage!
They intend to have Jesus as a daily guest!
Now if you don't think this Mama isn't gonna weep, you've got another thing comin'!


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