Sunday, February 13, 2011


Just as when Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt and they faced a brick wall, when they came to the Red Sea, and had no way to cross until Moses called out to God, we are the same way today, when we come up to our brick wall,or dead end!
God often waits til the very last moment to reveal His purpose, just so He can show us His glory.....Even today, He will do the same thing in our lives if we watch out for it.
When I begin writing my journeys, He will often wait until the very last minute to give me the material He wants me to use. Even though, He knows by nature, I will be frantic, He still makes me wait on Him to give me the material He wants me to use.....and it is always profound!
He never gives it to me early in the morning, because He knows that is not my sharpest time.
He is the Greatest Creator God we could ever serve, and just maybe, when I'm in Israel, He will come back......
Now, that be cool, wouldn't it?


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