As I walk along these days when I am grieving, I see God's hands holding me up. It's like walking along the side of those streams of living water that Christ always wants to take us to, for us to be refreshed. Those streams of living waters, where He will restore our souls! I have been walking side by side with my Lord these past few days. He knows I don't want to go through this time, and yet He also knows that because He feels that I need to go through this, that I will obey Him, and walk through it. It is not fun, I can guarantee you! I know that for me to genuinely heal, I have to go through this time, and with God's help I will. He has been so faithful to stay by my side this entire time. He has been with me ever since I was a little girl, so why would He leave me now? I love the time that I am under His wing right now, but when He restores my soul, one day in the future, I will be eternally under His wing and He will restore me to my other love too.
Talk about being refreshed!
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