I'm taking my journey friends on a two day journey today.
God has so wonderfully indulged me this time under His wing, right now.
He is watching over me, just like He did, when David junior died, and I know, when it's time, He will place me out under the shadow of His wing.
I'm not there yet, because I'm still very fragile. My strength comes from God, and yet I am still fragile, and He knows best how to care for me!
He will place me there, and I will be stronger in His strength~~~~You'll see!
My voice won't quiver! I won't tear up! I won't be fragile or tender quite so often! It doesn't mean I won't have those down days, because they will always pop up as a reminder. It just means that God thinks that I am strong enough to be out of the dark, and in a little more sunlight with the Son close by. He wants to take me out from under His wing and place me under the shadow of His wing! When I am totally strong enough, He will stand me tall and erect in the full "Son"!!!
What a clever and compassionate God we serve!
God continues to give me these images, and I give them to others, in the hopes that they might help someone to heal in their hurting.
To me, the best thing that came from my losses, would be to understand, that through them, God drew me so close to Him, that when I got so close to Him, I didn't ever want to leave! It also enabled me to realize for the first time, that absolutely NOTHING in life mattered but my Lord!
When you can say that He is first in your life, and get so close to Him, that whatever He gives you~~~(and you really have to trust and mean this when you say it)~~~~that if it's okay with God (for whatever reason), then it will be okay with you!~~~~
No if and's or but's!
I can honestly say, that after all I have been through in my life, that living this way is the most contented way to live. No, you don't always get what you want, but if it's God's whose doing the calling, it will be the best decision in the long run!
This glorious God who created us, knows us better than we think we know ourselves, and if He can array the lilies of the field in all their splendor, then I think He will take care of us too! In order to do this, there is one stipulation. We have to get to know the Father, and abide in Him everyday. It is a wonderful place to live all the time, and abiding there is better than anyplace I know!
Now, that's contentment!
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