Monday, September 01, 2008


In my life,I have learned,that I don't need to worry about yesterday, and all the things that have happened. They have already occured, and,like the sped arrow, they can never return.I can't concern myself about tomorrow either, but I can prepare for it,without worrying! Until God gives us the morning sun,to announce its arrival, there's no cause to get uptight about the coming day!
When you lose a loved one, the days sort of disappear from your calendar. You don't ever feel the same about yesterday, or tomorrow. However, you do have a passion for today!
I choose not to be upset over something I forgot to do yesterday, or something I am not looking forward to doing, tomorrow. Instead,I am choosing to live passionately for my Lord, today......It's amazing, that I learned this lesson at the age of 61. Just think how many lessons I will learn throughout Eternity!.......Woo Hoo!
..But then, that's tomorrow, and frankly,"my darlings",I'm not worrying about tomorrow!


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