Monday, August 13, 2007


An Eagle, will go to a secret hiding place, as he reaches about 30 years of age. There,he will go through a time of renewal, where he will claw at his face and tear at his feathers, to remove those that are damaged. It will bleed so badly, but it is necessary, for without this process, he would never grow to be about 60 years of age!
There is also a time of renewal, for us too, as God's children. Thankfully, we don't have to claw our faces,or skin..... He has asked us to rid ourselves of those things that weigh us down, or that will damage our testimony....both physically and spiritually!
Many times, we don't see it as a time of renewal, either, because we are hurting! When we hurt, we "bleed".....and that leaves a stain!
That stain is also necessary for us, in order to remember that Christ's strength is sufficient for us, in all circumstances, to" mount up with wings as eagles,"
for Christ!


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