Thursday, August 09, 2007


If there be anything you can do, and do it well, then do that one thing with all your heart! Do it with as much love,as unto the Lord.......
I thought about this tonight, as we sat down to our "gourmet campside" meal of my Fried Shrimp, and Kay's Pineapple Au Gratin.If the first settler's had ever tasted my fried shrimp, they would never have eaten meat! ........It is that good, and I'm not braggin' either!
When I fix them, it is a labor of love, so I fantail and bread them, like I am doing them unto the Lord, because it gives me such pleasure to see those smiles...Kinda like enjoying Grandmother's Banana Cake.......
I thought it was my brother Chris's recipe, but it's not......
I've been fixing fried shrimp like this for almost 40 years, so somebody special must have given the recipe to me!
Our Lord has given us gifts too; some more than one gift........
It's up to us, to use these gifts, to the best of our ability, to glorify our Lord.
You can bet I'll be fixing my shrimp for the Lord, when I get to Heaven, along with my Banana Cake, and Hot Fudge Sauce.....and I wonder what else?
I wonder who will ask for this recipe first?

**I know frying shrimp is not my gift from the Lord, but FAITH, that He will allow me to do this and ENCOURAGEMENT & EXHORTATION, that He will work all things (my frying) out for good to those who love the Lord ....(and my shrimp), and are called according to His purpose.....(and supper)!
I think He must have a sense of humor!


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