Monday, August 13, 2007


Oh, how I loved the story of the "Ugly Duckling", when I was growing up. Just thinking of that little duck, and how bad he felt, because he thought he looked different and uglier than all the other ducks, made me so sad! Only to find out, as he grew up, that he turned into the most graceful and regal of all birds!
Many times, in our own life, we look in the mirror and we see ourselves as the "Ugly Duckling" too. We aren't happy with how we look, and who we are. We see others as being far more glamorous than ourselves.
If we would just understand that God, in His creative and infinite wisdom knew that He wanted humans with Him in Eternity, so He created us, just the way He wanted us to be!
So, we were created as beautiful "swans" in His eyes, but when we took our eyes off of Him, and put them on other things, we became those ugly ducklings!
Only through the blood of Jesus Christ could we become those Eternally beautiful and regal creatures, He called the children of God!


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