Tuesday, May 10, 2005


When I was a little girl, my Daddy use to head out to his building jobs, on Saturday morning, in his old 1941 black Ford, pickem'up truck! After taking care of the essential business, he would head back to the house, and we would have breakfast together.......Cheerios and "Miss Wisconsin" cheese slices. Then, off we would go, faithful to take me back with him on his job site routine....... I always loved it...........just being with my Father, was a treat to me, but going where he was in his element, was wonderful. (I loved being around the workmen, because they would always let me pour a little concrete, mortar some bricks, or just do some "little" damage, that wouldn't hurt.)
Today, I look back on this time, and think about how our earthly fathers can, and should, remind us, of our "Heavenly Father". Jesus told us, He was going to "prepare a place for us,and He would come again and receive us unto Him".
I know how much I looked forward to my earthly Father coming back and picking me up, to go with him..........
So, just think how much more exciting it's gonna be, when our Heavenly Father comes back to get us?


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