Monday, May 09, 2005


Once again,I thought about the children who were doing all kinds of errands, just to get paid, by their parents. They were to receive $$$ for washing the car;cleaning up the bathrooms;straightening their bedrooms;emptying the dishwasher for the week, and sweeping the front porch, and sidewalks. After finishing their jobs, they presented their mother, with a bill, to which she calmly told them, that for all the times, that she had sat up with them at night, when they were sick; or when she fixed their school lunches;or bought them new school clothes.............
For all the times, that she did this, "for least of them", there would be "no charge". She did this, she told them, because , "she loved them...."
I am reminded, through this story, of Christ, who chose to pay all our accounts, by paying the ultimate price .......that of His precious life on a cross.
Our bill was "paid in full".........


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