Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"Where have all the flowers gone.... long time passing; Where have all the flowers gone.... long time ago" Listening to those words sung by the Kingston Trio brought back memories of things from long ago that have since passed away. So many things were a given when I was growing up and they just aren't around anymore.....Why? Because we've forgotten to teach them to the next generation. Think about these things.....
How many young men open the door for lady anymore?
How many men still take their caps off when eating in a restaurant or at a dinner table?
How many folks still thank the hostess after a meal?
How many of us write a thank you note anymore?
How many children asked to be excused from the table after a meal?
How many gentlemen walk on the outside of a lady when walking down the street?
How many people know the art of introducing someone?
Interesting thoughts, aren't they? We're losing our markers for the next generation and if it's that easy to do with something like these things, then how much more important is it that we not forget to share the plan of salvation with others!......Lest we forget!


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