Friday, June 18, 2010


I surely do love going to my high school class reunions! My senior class had only 59 graduates, and 21 of them started out in the first grade together, so our class was exceptionally fun!Infact, the last reunion was our 40th and was the best one yet! Jeannie coordinated it from South Florida, and did a splendid job. Del, lives in Mount Dora, and hosted all of us for a drop in on Friday night. We even had Jim and Lynn come from as far as Nevada to this, so it's not just special to me. Several of us put together a small pontoon boat cruise on the Dora Canal, and another group took us on a tour of our old Roseborough Elementary School, which has now been turned into this elegant high school. I provided them with some fifty questions that brought back memories of "do you remember way back when?" I'm not sure they ever did come up with the answer to "Who was caught kissing in the cloak room in Mrs. Maglauthlin's 3rd grade" though, and I'm surely not tellin'!..... Oh well! Reunion's can be fun, if the people you remember are fun and you have something in common!
As fun as this reunion was, it won't hold a candle to the reunion all the believers will attend one day! God has prepared a place for us, and a huge banquet table for us to enjoy !We are to be reunited with Him, and all the fellow believers in Christ in Heaven above! I usually have to send my response back in, as to whether I am going to the next reunion or not, but since there is only ONE of these reunion's, I would suggest that you get your RSVP in as soon as possible. You simply have to accept Christ, and you are guaranteed a reservation at this reunion!
The master of ceremonies won't wait forever, but oh, what a reunion He has planned for all of us!
I graduated from high school in 1965, and from college in 1969.
I have no idea when I will attend this Heavenly reunion, but my reservation is in, and I'm ready to go when He schedules it, but thank goodness I don't ever have to graduate from it!


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