Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Let me explain something to you, my friends. I have had several emails from friends wondering why I chose the comments I did concerning the present administration. I guess this came about from my prayer when I said I chose not to respond to all those emails.~~~~ This is why, folks!
I have a much higher authority who has deemed me responsible to Him and Him alone. I choose to keep my thoughts as clean and as pure as possible so that I can be as close to Him as I can. "Your work of righteousness will be peace O Lord and the service of Your righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."....I don't always succeed, but I try. Not a lot of folks understand this, but that's okay too. I'm not responsible for them. I am only responsible to God and how I interact with Him for my behavior. I have no view point but His view point, and when the Holy Spirit leads me, than I will stand up, but not before. That's the beautiful thing about being so close to God that you don't have to get all worked up about these things because He's got it under control anyway.You can pray about it and let your requests be made known to Him, and He will take your requests under consideration, but then He'll do what He deems best!
So, please know I will never try to supersede the word of God, in anything I do or say. I will quietly sit by and listen to His counsel, but never purposely go against what His word says to do. If it says to be under those in authority, then I must be, and if I am not in agreement with them, or if I am,~~~I am called to pray for them, and I will!
I hope this has helped some of you understand my thoughts on these things and to not think I am completely giving my allegience away!
Always, to God be the Glory!


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