Sunday, June 08, 2008


Grandmother Bouterse's husband,Matt, was a retired Dutch Baptist minister, whom I am told knew the Bible much better than Grandmother, but in my little girl's eyes,I never would have believed it! He was a big tall man, and bald. When he talked about the Bible it was always hell fire and damnation......You know the type of preacher! I don't think I learned anything from him, atleast not like I did Grandmother!
He use to shampoo carpets on the side, and many times,I would come home from school to find brown paper all over the carpet in our house.You had to walk on it, so as not to track dirt on the clean rug, with your shoes.
Just like that brown paper blotted out our dirty footprints on the damp carpet, so also did the blood of Jesus Christ blot out our dirty sins and make a clean pathway to our Righteous God above.....


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