Saturday, August 04, 2007


As we were driving up to Cherokee, we had to go up some pretty curvy mountain roads, and since I was sitting by the window,I was able to observe all the formations on the roadside.
What fascinated me, was how often I would see these little plants and ferns growing out of the cracks in rocks. Ofcourse, there was the mossy algae on top, but the ferns seemed to push their way right out of nowhere!
They weren't on top,like the moss.....
Christ takes us,too, right through the hard surface of affliction.....
He takes us through that little tiny fissure of the rock hard area called pain. He makes us so much stronger than we could ever be,without going through it.
We come forth, as stronger, more sturdy christians, able not only to speak the word, but to live it, as well!
That's what it's all about, isn't it?


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