Monday, July 03, 2006


After I finished watching,"Mr Holland's Opus", tonight, for the third time, I thought about how God has touched each of our lives and created in each one of us, a symphony of our own making too!
He is the music.......complete with all the rhythm and beat, but He has chosen to use us, in our lives, as His very own symphony!
We move up.....
We move down......
We extend ourselves in all directions, but we only play out what the Master Conductor has written down. Isn't that neat?
Some of our songs can be joyful, and some can be rather sad, but they always need to be a tribute to "Him".....
Each note, a partial glimpse into our lives, should exemplify a symphony for our Lord......
What a tribute to Him! He sees such potential in us, because He created us that way, so the next time someone says to "strike up the band".....
You can rest assured,our God Almighty, has already done, just that!


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