Saturday, June 24, 2006

now that's praise

As I lie in bed tonight, just listening to this absolutely beautiful music on "The Light",I have to say, that You are the source of my very strength,Oh wonderful Redeemer.
Oh,how I long to embrace You, with all my thanks and gratitude, for Your gift of Eternal Life.
Almighty,Infinite Father,the words say, and I humbly do bow before Your throne, for all You are.....
As the fragrant aroma of praise comes drifting up to You, so, I also feel Your loving and soothing balm, covering me, when I am lying here, listening to these praise songs.
You sort of cover me with Your blanket of," I know how you feel Becky".....
Why, I can even sing along, and nobody hears me, but You, Oh God, and You don't mind how I sound......Infact, my voice sounds like beautiful praise to You,Lord, and for that, I am thankful......
Even more, I am thankful, for having a loving God, who takes my feeble attempts at praise, and thinks it is wonderful.......
He is so majestic, that He can create a Universe, and yet, so human, as to love my small attempts at warbling my praise to Him, and loving it, as much as He does His Universe......
Now, that's some God, and He's All Mine!


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