Sunday, June 25, 2006


You know, I wonder, if Jesus were to come back to my house today, would He be greeted by a Martha,or a Mary?
Would the Martha in me,still be hurredly cleaning up the bathrooms, and straightening the living room, so that He would be comfortable, or could I possibly,...... just this once, forget the dishes that are in the sink, or on the counter, and forget the unmade bed, ..........perhaps.
Could I possibly just forget to have the matching plates,napkins,and place cards,.....just this once, for such a special guest?
For once, could I just plop myself down on the floor, at the feet of my Savior, whom I so dearly love, and lose myself in Him, for as long as He wants me?
Could I for once, be a Mary, for my Lord, when I so often am a Martha? I hope and pray I could......
How about you?
Wouldn't our Lord, be tickled if we did?


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