Saturday, July 08, 2006


I'm remembering a journey I took, lo these many years ago.....
I was probably about 5 years old, when I would spend the night, at my Grandmother Bouterse's trailer. At night, we had to walk down to the community bath house, in order to take our shower, and Grandmother always made me stand on a piece of newspaper, so I wouldn't get germs on the bottoms of my feet, from the shower drain!
I always thought it was funny, because I may not have gotten any germs, but I surely did have alot of newsprint on the bottoms of my feet!
All these many years later,I like to think, that maybe all of Grandmother's words of love for our Lord, have been imprinted, not only on the "soles" of my feet, but on the "soul" of my mind and heart as well.....


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