Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Thirty years ago, yesterday, I was eating hamburgers,corn on the cob, baked beans, and mowing the grass!
Now, why in the world, am I remembering this?.......
Because, thirty years ago, today,my second son,arrived into this world!.......All 7and 1/2 pounds of him.
He was cute then, and he's quite handsome now!
He was quite a challenge to the neighbors and the neighborhood children too.....but always loved.
I should have known when he liked playing in the sprinkler, that he'd end up in the Navy!
Now, we don't always see eye to eye, and he always knows just what button to push to make his mom "stand at attention",
but He loves his Mama, and more importantly, He loves the Lord......
We often celebrated his birthday around the 4th, but we never had to buy fireworks with him around, because he was my true "live wire", and we do love him.......
Happy Birthday Son! Your brown sugar rolls will arrive after my "wing" heals........
Love, Mom.


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