Saturday, July 08, 2006


David and I sat on the porch this afternoon, and watched our Painted Buntings fighting off our adorableBluebirds, for first place at the bird feeder......
My,my,my, what a treat for these tired eyes. The male red breast was vibrant, as it flitted back and forth...........Strangely enough, though, watching these birds reminded me of watching my Grandmother Bouterse long ago, when I was a child. She had a Mockingbird, that stayed by the back door of her trailer, and "Petey", as she named him, would even fly over and eat out of her hand! She just had a way with animals, and critters!
Seems to me, that God gave us the animals first, to enjoy on this earth, and I, for one, am enjoying the ones that are down Beaufort way.
Can't you just imagine how glorious it will be in Heaven?
Wonder if Petey will be around?


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