Wednesday, November 02, 2005


As the seasons change the colors on the leaves, so do the seasons of a persons coloring and personality.During the Winter months, we are often stripped of our creative covering, and at our lowest source of resistance. As Spring comes into view, we tend to burst forth with renewed energy, and beauty;our activity level tends to increase and our color level increases.As Spring rolls into Summer,we begin to drag down, and become lethargic, both in our physical chores, and our spiritual walk.We tend to let things slide, because we're just "tired", and nothing inspires us.As the Fall approaches, we tend to sense another "new beginning"......
Sort of a fresh Fall start. I like to think of Fall as putting on your afternoon make-up from the Spring's morning application.
Four different seasons to shine for the Lord!
(Just think of the different make-up we can use,ladies?HaHa)


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