Friday, April 22, 2005


As I was looking at the different decorations on the wall tree, at Curves, today,I started thinking about all the colors in the leaves and flowers, on the tree, and the types of people that they represented. There were bright flowers, for our upcoming Summer months, and a few delicately decorated, pastel, Easter eggs from the Spring.It made me stop and think, about how we change our personalities, as we change our color schemes too. I noticed, that in the "Mary" time of my life,I enjoyed wearing mostly pastels, as well, as loving the lavenders,pinks,pale blues, seemed to be the more quiet, and content time of my life. As I turned in to the "Martha" time of life, my clothes seemed to get brighter, and more into the purples,bold greens,brilliant reds,and just plain old "bold". Guess I thought I needed to be more bold,huh? I enjoyed this time of creating and doing for people, but when we moved to Beaufort, God sort of grabbed me by the paint brush, and said "whoa Nellie", I did just that, and have reentered the "Mary" time of life, and thoroughly enjoying being content once again......... God has quite an eye for colors, ya know, and I think He can appreciate both a Martha and a Mary.
How about you???


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