Friday, April 15, 2005


Have you ever wanted a glimpse, at what Heaven must look like?
Well, I kinda think, if there are colors, to express its beauty, that it those colors would be feeding at my bird feeder right now! Heaven most certainly has to be filled with an array of these glorious colors, and more that our minds eye, can't even fathom!!!
I don't think I have seen the Painted Buntings come this early around here to feed, and then yesterday morning, there were two spectacular, Eastern Blue Groesbeaks out underneath the birdfeeder.They were stunning!........Oh, how magnificently God has created them! I can just picture all kinds of birds in Heaven, sounding out God's praise. I mean, whoever would think, to paint a red belly, a chartreuse upper wing with a blue lower tip and a blue head on just the male species of the Painted Bunting? (The female is stunning to me, as she is chartreuse and looks like a neon sign in flight!!!)
When I paint, I usually have something to go by, or an example to copy..........but think about it,..........God didn't have anything to go by. He started it all! Wow!


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