Thursday, August 02, 2012


I saw an exceptional DVD and am now reading the book, called "The Harbinger."
This is not usually the type of book that I would be drawn too, but a friend from
Georgia challenged me to look it up on line and check it out. I saw the trailer
when I went on line and was hooked! It's a all about Biblical prophecy and God's
judgement against Israel and their restoration, and how it pertains to America!
One thing I didn't know, was that when George Washington took the oath of office,
he did so on what was then our nation's capital.....New York City!
Yep! You heard me right. New York was for a brief time our nation's capital and
it was on this certain corner that Washington commited this newly formed nation to God
 for His protection and blessing Shortly after taking the oath of office, he and his senate members and House of Representatives.would leave and walk to  a little stone church on Ground Zero,
Their very first  act in this newly formed government was to gather for prayer!
This is all recorded in the annals of Congress.
The ground with which America was consecrated was Ground Zero!
America started out as a nation of prayer.
How far have we drifted away?
Let's bring America back to the great nation is was!
Let us Pray!


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