As a young girl, I loved to rearrange furniture. I would move Mother's furniture around, so much, that she would think she was in another home!
I still did it in Aiken too, and would have continued doing so when I moved to Beaufort, but we didn't have any rooms to put the furniture in!(lol)
Our God is the Master Rearranger with our lives too. He has allowed me to both paint on clothing, and to teach Physical Education, all in the same year. He even allowed me to own two businesses where I could paint on clothing, and teach tumbling in the back of the store. I enjoyed writing poetry but it was always on the back burner, of my list of more important things to do! Then God allowed a Brain Hemorrhage to come into my life, and He completely rearrange my entire curriculum! I no longer have the desire to paint like I did, nor do I wish to teach Physical Education, (much less school) My physical abilities won't allow me to do any of the things I was so good in doing, ten years ago. I had perfect balance and did handsprings; flips into splits, and could still walk on my hands at age forty nine......but then this hemorrhage into a two month coma wiped me out, and now I can't even ride a bike or do a head stand, much less keep my balance, but you know what???
God is faithful and will not suffer us beyond what we are able.....
With this handicap, or what I thought was a handicap, He chose to give me the gift of writing! He has allowed me to start on, and continue with, the writing of these journeys through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, and it has been the coolest trip ever!
Afterall, we are new creatures in Christ, so I guess my writing, which was old, can now be new!
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