Sunday, October 17, 2010


God has been sustaining me so well throughout this time, and there aren't many times that I have broken down....yet. Today, however I ventured upstairs into the "unknown", and did just that! I went back into the upstairs bedroom where David's old chest of drawers was located, and in which he had squirreled away goodness knows how many little treasures. Folks I can't tell you how much time I took to remember those precious memories too. There was a box of Lanyards from the maritime academy, that I had to call Max about; a box of coins from who knows where; a belt buckle from Texas A&M Maritime Academy; cufflinks; a pipe(I've never known him to smoke a pipe either; some jewelry in a plastic bag; some bills from Portugal and Italy and a Braves baseball. I sat down and cried!
What a concoction of my hero's life!
He could tell you where every single thing was too!
"It's the little things that mar or bless the sum of human happiness"
I read that in one of my Grandmother's writing's somewhere, and that pretty much sums up how much those little things in life can tell about a person. Christ put more emphasis on our focusing on the fruits of the spirit, than on pursuing the gaining of wealth for ourselves, and I think if we could do that, we would indeed be the riches people in the world!


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