Saturday, October 16, 2010


I'm amazed by the number of garbage trucks that drive down the roads at Edisto and scoop up all the litter and garbage that has been dumped on the sides of the roads and then take it and dump it into a pile somewhere else!
You'd think that people would come up with a better way of getting rid of their garbage besides dumping it out on the sides of the road!
People are also careless about the way they dump their own garbage of anger; frustrations, and disappointments! Their words come out like individual garbage trucks that house and carry around all those negative emotions until they pile up so much that they have to dump them on someone else!
We shouldn't take their words personally, but smile instead at their words, as being a tool from the evil one.
We don't need other people's garbage in our lives, so just smile; wave a cheery blessing back and allow God to work His best in them!
Pray for those who spitefully use you!~~~~~~Garbage and all!


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