Sunday, October 03, 2010


My God has continued to bless me throughout this weekend. My two best friends from elementary school arrived on Saturday afternoon, since they couldn't come to the memorial service, and they have worked and helped me do all those things I knew I was gonna have to do by myself! We have taken all of David's BSA shirts and BWSAR shirts and placed them in piles and boxes and placed them in the guest room! If you have lived with a scout for 37 years, you will have enough scout paraphernalia to have your own jamboree!(lol) We have cleaned out so many drawers and straightened underneath bathroom counters and drawers and thrown out medicines of David's that I probably could have gone on the black market and made a fortune!(lol again!) Tara and I have been best friends since we were introduced at age one. Jeanne Marie was a year behind us when her Daddy became the Methodist minister at our church, but we have made up for it in our loyal friendships over the years! They have done so much to make this transition easier for me and I owe them so much. "There is a friend who is closer than a brother" and I think I have two!
Tomorrow we will go look for another bed, and then they will head for home. I am so grateful to my Father for giving me their friendships and for them putting up with me all these years.


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