Wednesday, June 23, 2010


You know if I didn't fully understand that my God was in control and knew some 2000 years ago, that all these floods, earthquakes and tornadoes were going to happen, it would send me into a tailspin! I just heard that there was another earthquake up in Canada today, which doesn't surprise me.These events are coming in a quicker frequency every day, and will continue until our Lord is ready to come back and gather His church back up to Him!
The folks who don't have this assurance must be stumped as to what's going on. They are blaming it on everything they can.Everything from the atmosphere becoming to hot and it's sparking the flames, to our negligence! They don't get it! It's all in the plan of God, and was foretold some 500 years before Christ ever appeared on the scene! The only negligence that I can spot is man's negligence in acknowledging God as his leader in this world! Why, even the rocks cry out! The whole earth knows that it isn't right, the way things are now. Even they know that the God of the Universe needs to be back in control!
The birth pains have started folks, and it's up to us to hold fast and keep the faith!
Our God will lift us up!


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