Sunday, June 27, 2010


This touched my heart so very much today, that I just had to share it with you. Allen and Theresa stopped by today after church, on their way back to Aiken. Theresa had been on their boat over at Hilton Head this weekend and was cooking for my sweetie, the entire time that Allen was working on their boat. She baked him custards;brought him meals from What's Cooking in Aiken and fixed several meals on the boat so he would have some things he "might" be able to eat.
Allen is David's best friend, and every August we drive to Cherokee, NC and camp for a week with them at Indian Creek Campground. We've been doing this for about five or six years and love it! They sleep in a tent and we sleep in a tiny cabin on single beds with our sleeping bags! That's the elderly style of camping!(lol) I fix the lunches and Theresa does the suppers, and we usually eat at our picnic table.
This year, however was going to be a challenge for me, because it looked as if I would be doing the driving there and all the packing up of the gear.
For me to do that by myself, will be very hard!Anyhoo, Allen told Theresa that he had invited our son George; Melissa and the kids to come up this fall to be with their Daddy, and he would rent them a cabin up the road from us. He also volunteered to drive to Beaufort and pick David up and take him to Cherokee.
If that isn't friendship in its fullest form, I don't know what is!
Naturally I cried when she told me!
These two buds have been best friends since Allen started helping David with scouts in the early 70's, and they have done everything together ever since.
Allen won't talk about David leaving this world....yet! It's too hard for him, but he will do everything in his power to make things easier for him right now.
I thank my God for friends like this. Friends who will think what you need, and do what you need, without you having to ask for help.
I am so blessed with friends like these and you my journey friends, and a God like ours.
What more could I want?(Well, maybe a healthy hubby!)


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