Friday, June 25, 2010


My dear journey friends,
These are some thoughts that have been on my mind, and have been there for maybe some twenty years, but have recently resurfaced with David going through this chemo. When I lived in Aiken, I saw many folks going through chemo and the likes, and so many times the women reached out beyond measure to the families with love; support and the ever familiar "casseroles"! I guess this is a female thing! (lol) For some reason, it is just harder for the men to reach out and talk and just open up with someone who is in pain. This is such a shame.....
There are so many times, as the Apostle Paul taught us, when we need to come along side our brothers and encourage them. For some reason, it just is hard for men to do in these situations. I am not coming down on our wonderful men but want them to think about this......
No! I am encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and to make a conscientious effort to do some very simple things when their fellow men are hurting. There are men out there who perhaps don't know Christ, and your small act of a visit to just say "Hi", or maybe a phone call to say "Hi" would speak volumes! I saw the body of Christ in action when Edie's husband ,Paul, was dying. Male friends came by everyday, all the time, and read to him; took him places; visited with him, and just let him know that he wasn't forgotten! It's not as easy, I know when the person isn't a believer, but the testimony that you give them by just stopping by and checking on them, will speak volumes to their heart! I don't get on my bandwagon much, except for my Mom's and my Lord and His word, but this is one area that I think we fall very short in. The men need to step up to the plate and let these men know that they aren't forgotten. The godly men of the church might be the only Bible that some of these other men ever see.
What a commission the Lord has given them.Please know I am not fussing at our wonderful men.
Personally, I know how much my own sweetie could have used just a few folks to stop by and visit with him just this week, just for a few minutes. He has had more of the neighbors stop by and those who work with him in scouts to check on him, and they aren't the saved ones!~~~~
Now that's a pitiful example for the body of Christ to see!
Even if my wonderful men get upset with me for writing this, if it makes them do something about it, then it was well worth writing.
I love you all anyway.


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