Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've often wondered how Grandmother Bouterse taught me about Jesus.I mean, what did she say to get me to understand who he was and what He did for all of us? In thinking about this,when my own children were little,the hardest part for me,was to teach them to memorize scripture.How did she get me to memorize all the scripture that I did? She had a little box of prayer verses we used at meals,that I still have, and I remember that we talked about them at all the meals....every day;all the time!....and it wasn't boring folks!We would wake up and talk about why Jesus did what He did,... and why did I think He did it! Then she would give me time to really think about it........It became a pattern for me, and all these years later,when I can't memorize much of anything,but still need to encourage someone in a letter,He makes available all those scripture verses,and allows them to come flooding back to me just like it was yesterday!.... It is wild! (King James edition though!)
When God's involved in something,His plans will not be thwarted, and getting His word out to His children is what He wants, so He will provide!Just make yourself available and He will fill you out!


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