Thursday, May 14, 2009


Somehow,Grandmother Bouterse knew that when she taught me the promises of God having a mansion for me in Heaven, and that He would one day come back and take me back Home to be with Him,that I would one day count on those promises coming true!Somehow,she knew that those promises were so important,that she imparted them to me at an early age! She even wrote them on paper for me some 48 years ago! As I read them on the inside cover of my Bible,I truly understand why she gave me these verses like she did.She knew I would think on these things and ponder them in my heart in times of distress.....and I do! She counted on me doing this,so that when temptations;sorrows;disappointments;failures;happiness come,I would think on these things and have the simple faith in the One who has never lost a battle,but always be ready to hear me when I come to Him.......and I do!
I think God must have whispered to her about David Jr. dying;my brain hemorrage;Mama's divorce;Kelly's wedding.......
Yes, as she so often reminded me,He will indeed uphold thee with the right hand of His Righteousness.
She knew alot,this uneducated Dutch grandmother of mine.Her wealth lay in her love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I would say she was the richest of the rich!
When you get to Heaven,take a number and get in line, because alot of folks are waiting to meet her!


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