Thursday, May 14, 2009


Grandmother's teeth clacked when she talked, but she had a smile that would melt a candy bar! She wore black,thick high heeled shoes and thought she was in style! She always took the "Old Maid" card, and let me win when we played the game of Old Maid.She only had a chamber pot in her bedroom, and it was a special priviledge to be able to use it on the weekends,instead of having to walk down to the bath house. I'd be stretching it to come up with anything negative about this lady, because she was so filled with love for her Lord.You just enjoyed being around her, even though she wasn't very schooled.She made doll clothes for me and sweeping the trailer was an adventure.We would pretend that her trailer was a river boat and sing and sweep to the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross"!(Talk about a melody!)
Even though she took Digitalis for her high blood pressure,her blood was iron rich in its love for the Lord.From Throat Disc's to Vernor's Ginger Ale,I was given every remedy under the son,that a Dutch grandmother could give their grandaughter. The best remedy she ever gave me,though, was the one for the forgiveness of sins........and that was Jesus Christ!
What a blessing to know this lady!
What a blessing that she was my Grandmother!
What a blessing that she is a child of the King!
Woo Hoo!


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