Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I lived in a large house that my Father built when I was born.My brothers and sister had a room upstairs and I had a room downstairs closer to Mother and Daddy.We had a basement; a patio, and a garage.I always felt safe and secure in this house, and knew that my many blessings came from above, because my parents stressed this. Infact,my entire family understood this concept.
I guess this is why,having a President who did not have his "White House family",participate in the National Day of Prayer,just broke my heart! This only confirms my thoughts that as the end times approach,the darkness does not like the truth!
I'm not sure what it will take for us to wake up and be a family of believers again.....
There are too many radical people around, who seem to think they are in authority,but who do not know who is really in authority over us all!
When He has finally had enough of all this garbage going on in this world, and our leaving Him out,then we had better watch out, and be ready!
I am,are you?


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