Monday, November 24, 2008


I suppose I look alot like my Mother,but hopefully I act more like my Grandmother Bouterse! In college,I learned that you were 3/4 of your grandparents genes, and a 1/4 of your parents.Mother was loving,but very,very strict! When she told me to do something,I did it out of duty, rather than out of love for God. The apostle Paul, even "told the brethren that by the mercies of God, they were to present your bodies a living sacrifice." I think if Mama had told me not to do something, because God's word said it was wrong,I probably would have understood it a whole lot better!
Grandmother understood this concept about me, and I suppose that's why I would do anything for her, because what she asked was based on God's word, and not on man's opinion!
Don't get me wrong,my Mom was the best, and I dearly loved her, but there was just a connection between Grandmother and me. I think my brother Michael had it too.
I kinda functioned more out of obedience to God's word, than I did to man's opinion , anyway. That's why I didn't get all bent out of shape with the election results.....
God will be the overall winner in the end.He always is, and I'm going with Him1
That's why,when David jr, died,I didn't let the "It isn't fair" people get to me, Because my God is bigger than any election, and He is in control of it all anyway!
I just don't let all the nit picky stuff drag me down, because God is way above that, and I'm on His side!
Anyhoo, His mercies fall fresh, every morning. With Mom, it was more like a duty to obey her, even though I knew she loved me dearly and I loved her!
I think maybe Grandmother was a Mary!
I think Mama was a Martha!
I think I must be a Mary Martha!


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