Sunday, November 23, 2008


One of my favorite classic TV shows, was "The Wind In The Willows",series.I loved the part, where Mr Toad put on those crazy goggles and drove like a mad man,down the road.When he got behind the wheel of that "mobile" he went wild!His eyes would spin around and around, and he would become obsessed with driving fast! That was his one drive fast!He ran over everything in his path too!
When Toad gets his way,he is a light hearted depiction of a very real and horrible satan, all dressed up! Scripture tells us that after the Rapture,one who is very suave and smooth talking will come forth......However,he will be obsessed,not with driving fast, but with taking over the entire world,for Himself!
His whole object, will be to run over and destroy all the followers of Christ!
He wants to be a "Helltona" 500 winner! The "Hell Bowl Champ;" and the King of the world! Why, he even thinks he is God.....Boy, does he have another thing coming in the end!
"Our God is the true God;He is the Living God, and the Everlasting King!"
So there!


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