Sunday, November 23, 2008


I suppose I look alot like my Mother,but hopefully act more like my Grandmother Bouterse! In my college Physical Education science classes,I learned that we were 3/4of our grandparents genes, and a 1/4 of our parents.
Mother was loving and smiled all the time, but oh, was she strict! When she told me to do something,I did it out of duty to her, rather than out of obedience to God, and His word! Paul even "told the brethren that by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice." I think if Mother had told me not to do something, because "God said"it was wrong,I would have understood it so much better.
I think Grandmother understood this principle in my heart, because it was in hers too.What Grandmother said, wasn't based on people's opinions,but on the word of God, and that was where Mother and I differed.
Don't get me wrong,Mother was the best, and she loved the Lord, but she had her own way of showing it.I dearly loved her, and she loved me.There was just a connection between Grandmother and me, that I think my brother Michael had too.
With Grandmother,I functioned out of mercy from God's abiding love, and understood, at a very early age, that His mercies fall fresh every morning.
With Mama,it was more like a duty, because I loved her....
I think Grandmother must have been a Mary!
I think Mother must have been a Martha!
I guess that makes me a Mary martha! :p)


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