Sunday, June 18, 2006


This is too pretty of a journey, if I can write it, and make sense today.......
I'm still a little groggy, from the pain meds after my surgery, but out here on the porch today,it seems like a lifetime ago....
A symphony of birds are twittering away,just for my pleasure,reminding me of just who the Master Carpenter is!
My,my,my!.......How wonderful.......
First He sends me Jenn with a meal for Thursday and Friday; then Susan arrives with one for Saturday and Sunday,(who was also with me as a nurse in the Surgery Center);Linda, from PEO brought one for Monday;Shirley & Raeford brought it for Tuesday night, and just when I think I don't have anything for Wednesday night supper......, my new neighbor on the Branch,Marla, brings out supper !!! is that not awesome of God to do for me?....... Now, I remember, that my daughter is coming in on the weekend,and my sweet neighbor,Norma brought by some of Doyle's famous BBQ , earlier in the week,so, I have that all ready for don't tell me that God doesn't take care of His children.......
I have had wonderful neighbors to visit......
Many,many letters from friends, which have touched me deeply. Janice and Cecil even came out for a brief visit, before heading to the beach.....
I'm telling you, this surgery has really reminded me of God's faithfulness,once again.......even if I can't drive right now.....
Even if I am in a sling for 5 more weeks.......
Even if it is hard for me to cook,right now......
God is good.....
God is faithful.......
All the time.......
And He loves little 'ole me......


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