Friday, June 16, 2006

flawless cake mix

this is being written while my arm is still in a sling,so it's all in lower case, with little punctuation....

i'm in bed this morning, and i was just thinking about this da- vinci code mess......'cause that's just what it is,.....a mess!
i kinda liken it to a cake mix......
if you have a good cake mix, with good ingredients, and the cake turns out great, just the way it is, every time.......
then,you aren't gonna come along and dump other ingredients into it, just because you want to make it a little more " appealing",now, are you?
in the same way, it seems kinda silly to me to put trash into my mind, when i'd just as soon have the real thing there....
i mean, if you can have a masterpiece on your hands, why dump trash into it?


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